When you fail to treat disease, invoke karma of previous birth….excellent philosophy of AYUSH

When you fail to treat disease, invoke karma of previous birth….excellent philosophy of AYUSH

The question of whether the ancient health care practices mentioned under AYUSH such as Siddha, Ayurveda etc., came directly from God or God came from Siddha and Ayurveda is difficult to establish and hence the question shall always remain as egg or chicken came first.

The question of whether the ancient health care practices mentioned under AYUSH such as Siddha, Ayurveda etc., came directly from God or God came from Siddha and Ayurveda is difficult to establish and hence the question shall always remain as egg or chicken came first. In the case of chicken and egg story, both are available but still we could not answer the question with substantive proof. The scientific guess suggests that the chicken might have come first and only then the egg. The above hypothesis holds some merit for AYUSH as well.

The only jigsaw we have with ancient AYUSH practices is that the gift of God-AYUSH is present even today but the God is nowhere to be seen.

If we study AYUSH (Siddha, Ayurveda etc.,) scientifically and systematically, we can easily get the sense that AYUSH only would have invented God and not the God gifted AYUSH to mankind. If it were a gift of God……the God being the master of the universe, all knower, all perverse and the one who looks after the actions of every one of us to suitably reward or punish, why such God gifts least to not effective AYUSH as a system of medicine to man to treat his diseases?

Perhaps as last effort or attempt, AYUSH products would have come to holdup the faith of its followers under its harness. Listening to God men, follow their instructions, have faith in God, worship, recite hymn etc., the proponents of AYUSH have brought in the first edition and AYUSH products would have come as the second edition to supplement and support the first edition recipes. It means, only because of obvious limitations of first edition recipes, the second edition recipes would have come.

When the second edition recipes also failed to fulfill the needs of its followers such as curing and treating sickness, the patients would have started to question the first edition recipes. The early proponents hence would have re-invented God and karma of previous birth in a more methodical and systematic way.

It means, early proponents of AYUSH would have re-invented God, divinity, the karma of previous birth and its consequences etc., only to dilute and diffuse the questioning quest of its followers one its merit. When previous karma is responsible for the disease and God’s wisdom should not be questioned or challenged, naturally, the followers may not dare to breach the code of conduct to adventure to receive God’s wrath.

When the karma of previous birth becomes the key determining factor of our diseases, one cannot manage such health problems just with drugs alone. God’s grace is also necessary and therefore one has to follow all holy instructions of holy men and God men in verbatim and literatim.

It looks like it was a well calibrated and thought over a plan to mix, admixing and conjoin emotion, spirituality, God, the karma of previous birth etc., as supreme science to run the holy bazaar and spiritual business unquestioned.

Unfortunately, the system seems have stuck firmly on its early approach without questioning or modifying or developing or modernizing to the contemporary science and relevance.

When karma predetermines our disease predispositions where is the need for drug and treatment? Should we try to undo our past karma as treatment and dilute its effects or we should treat the diseases that are nothing but consequences of our previous karma?

The proponents of AYUSH have come up with a brilliant answer to the above question. For diluting the effects of karma of previous birth, one must practice spirituality, chant hymn, worship god, listens to God men etc. Simultaneously to treat the disease/disorders due to the sinful previous karma, the AYUSH products must be used. This is how the concept of individualized treatment practices in AYUSH would have come.

Karma of the previous birth of every one of us is likely to be different therefore the spiritual process has to be tailor made to each individual. Similarly, the diseases in different people may although appear similar but the karma of previous birth of different people are different and therefore the AYUSH products also cannot be different for different individuals. This might be the reason why AYUSH has about one lakh products.

The strange question is that how such system we have converted as system of medicine and we have produced graduates from such system as doctor!!!

By decorating AYUSH as medical science and glorifying the AYUSH graduates as a doctor, we have done more harm to the system than any real good. We have made AYUSH fail, go irrelevant, defunct, meaningless and limbo.

If we re-promote AYUSH as paramedical practice and its graduates as nondrug therapist, we can really make full meaning for AYUSH. YOGA is accepted all over the world because it is nondrug therapy method with some proven health benefits.

All fishes, in general, are evolved to live in water. If we make them live in a land with whatever support we provide, but still it may fail to survive because it has not evolved to live in the land. Similarly, AYUSH has evolved with its strong fundamentals and highly individualized health care approach including spiritual, philosophical and product based treatment practices. Such practice should not be treated or named as medical science and graduates from such system should not have been called as a doctor by following the style of allopathic system of medicine. A similar view was already expressed by Dr.GG Gangadharan, former director of FRLHST.

AYUSH should not waste its time either in proving or comparing itself with the scientifically proven allopathic system but instead the graduates of AYUSH especially in private practice must follow the own path, find its meaning, merit and message and must develop it. Instead, most AYUSH vaidyas in private practice appear to engage in cross pathy and looking at every possible ways and means to enter allopathic practice through the back door.

We should not compare AYUSH with allopathic system means, but why such comparison and criticism are happening because AYUSH is promoted as medical science exactly like allopathy and its graduates as a doctor to secretly engage in cross pathy.

Time has come the best of AYUSH must come from AYUSH in its own way and not as an adjuvant to the allopathic system so that what the adjuvant really does can be conveniently hidden. Cross pathy by AYUSH vaidyas in private practice really impede the growth and respect of AYUSH and also likely to cause health havoc and medication health fraud in rural India. Hope Government will wake up the truth.

S Ranganathan

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