YABA how does it effects your health

YABA how does it effects your health

Psychosis similar to schizophrenia (characterized by paranoia, picking at the skin, self absorption, and visual and auditory hallucinations)

Yaba, the Thai word for "crazy medicine," is a tablet form of methamphetamine, a powerful stimulant. These synthetically produced pills contain 25 to 35 mg of methamphetamine and 45 to 65 mg of caffeine.

Tablets are available in a variety of flavors (including grape, orange, and vanilla) and colors (most commonly reddish-orange or green). Various logos (commonly "WY" or "R") adorn yaba tablets, which are the size of the end of a drinking straw. Yaba looks and tastes so much like candy that many young users (often including ecstasy users) underestimate its harmfulness. Methamphetamine is also available in powder ("crystal") form, which can be processed into a rock ("ice") or liquid form.

Yaba is a powerful central nervous system stimulant with longer lasting effects than those of cocaine. This is because cocaine is metabolized in the body more quickly than methamphetamine. Effects produced by yaba will be dependent on the dose taken. Some effects include:
Irritability and aggression
Decreased appetite and nausea
Hot flashes, dry mouth, and sweating
Damage to the small blood vessels in the brain
Increased alertness, wakefulness, and physical activity
Increased heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and body temperature

Effects of chronic abuse include:
Psychotic episodes
Paranoid delusions
Violent behavior
Hyperthermia and convulsions
Agitation, anxiety, and nervousness
Mental confusion and memory loss
Psychosis similar to schizophrenia (characterized by paranoia, picking at the skin, self absorption, and visual and auditory hallucinations)

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