Is Whatsapp leading to social detachment?

Is Whatsapp leading to social detachment?

Social networking sites have become an integral part of today’s life and Whatsapp has become very popular worldwide. So what is it that makes Whatsapp an interesting and interactive application? Well for many people, texting is more convenient than calling and Whatsapp Messenger is one of the best if not the best means available.

Social networking sites have become an integral part of today’s life and Whatsapp has become very popular worldwide. So what is it that makes Whatsapp an interesting and interactive application? Well for many people, texting is more convenient than calling and Whatsapp Messenger is one of the best if not the best means available.

Well, it is precisely this that have got a lot of people hooked on to this application. Not surprisingly, there are negatives that result from inappropriate use of Whatsapp. Aliveni Yerramilli, mother of a kid says, “My son is so much into Whatsapp that he forgets to have his dinner and am really worried about his diet. I have also observed that these days children are getting so much addicted to Whatsapp that they are not focusing on their studies.” This negative side can have serious consequences.

For instance an article in Psychology Today says that the use of technology can change the wiring of the brain. We also see people use this application throughout the day and this over a period of time could lead to obesity. The other effect of using this application endlessly would be that people may even have issues concentrating and socialising in real life.

It could lead to social detachment too. Niharika Singh a working woman says, “I recollect an incident which happened with me. I had an argument with one of my friend on Whatsapp and then he switched off his phone. I tried to connect with him after that and when it did not happen, I became restless that night and did not sleep because of which I had to suffer a severe headache.”

Ramakrishna Panikella, a psychologist who is the director of Institute of Management Solution gives his views by saying, “People are so much into the virtual world that they forget their goals and responsibilities. It is important to counsel and educate all age group people about the addiction of using Whatsapp.”

“This can be controlled if a particular time is planned for personal life and social media. May be 15 minutes of Whatsapp for every 3 hours. This could have control of our mindset.” adds Panikella.

By:Chitra Saikumar
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