Hand hygiene for everyone

Hand hygiene for everyone

Washing hands with running warm or cold-water at least for 20 seconds could prevent 50 per cent of diarrheal diseases and at least 50 lakh deaths across the world.

Washing hands with running warm or cold-water at least for 20 seconds could prevent 50 per cent of diarrheal diseases and at least 50 lakh deaths across the world.

16 per cent of lung and respiratory infections spread through poor hand hygiene. It is observed that more than 40 pre cent of the people don’t wash their hands after sneezing or coughing there by spreading germs when they shake hands or touch any surfaces.

People with contact lens are at risk of trachoma and acanthamoeba which again spreads through poor hand hygiene. It can lead to blindness if not treated on time.

Handwasing is often said as ‘DO IT YOURSELF VACCINE’.

Hand washing is WIN for everyone except the germs. If you are staying in a hotel room, you may want to stay away from the TV remote as they carry bacteria 2 to 10 times higher than what’s accepted in hospitals.

Forget what is in your handbag, hats on it are much worse. It carries all invisible germs travelling along with you, landing in desks, restaurant tables and counter tops.

Statistics reveal in India 1 in 10 don’t wash their hands after visiting washroom and of those that do only 30 percent use soap. The recommended washing time is 15 seconds. For every 15 sec spent on washing hands, 10 times more bacteria is removed.

Hand washing and hand hygiene initiatives greatly reduce the number of absences, sick leaves, and lost productivity. Written by CEO, Caremotto.

By Dr Ravuri Niranjan

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