Tobacco consumption causes Infertility

Tobacco consumption causes Infertility

“Tobacco consumption in any form can have not only adverse effect on general health but also hamper fertility up to a large extent. A large population of Indian men are addicted to tobacco chewing and smoking.

“Tobacco consumption in any form can have not only adverse effect on general health but also hamper fertility up to a large extent. A large population of Indian men are addicted to tobacco chewing and smoking.

Studies have revealed that compared to non-smokers, active smokers were 14 per cent more likely to be infertile and 26 per cent more likely to have early menopause.

Additionally, smoking is known to cause ectopic pregnancy, a condition in which the fertilised egg fails to move to the uterus and instead attaches in the fallopian tube,” said Dr Gincy Mathew Problems while having a baby

  • Smoking affects each stage of reproductive process, including egg and sperm maturation, hormone production, embryo transport, and the environment in the uterus. It can also damage the DNA in both eggs and sperm.
  • Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of pregnancy complications, low birth weight and birth defects
  • Risk of miscarriage increases with the amount smoked (1 per cent increase in risk per cigarette smoked per day).
  • When you smoke or chew tobacco in the form of gutka etc. more than 7000 chemicals spread throughout your entire body and all of your organs. This can lead to fertility problems, including the following: Ovulation problems, Genetic issues, Damage to reproductive organs, Damage to your sperms and eggs and Increased risk of cancer and increased risk of miscarriage

Secondhand smoke can affect your fertility: If you live with a smoker, encourage your loved one to stop. Secondhand smoke is also a known cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). If you do become pregnant, you and your partner must stop smoking to protect the health of your baby.

Problems for men:

  • Lower sperm count and sperm motility problems. Men consuming heavy doses of gutka and tobacco have less and even weak sperms.
  • Hormonal issues – Excessive consumption of tobacco might lead to imbalance in hormones among males.
  • Erectile dysfunction - A man with ED can’t have and maintain an erection that is adequate for satisfactory sexual performance, which can affect reproduction. Cigarette smoke alters blood flow necessary for an erection and interferes with the healthy function of blood vessels in erectile tissue.
  • Reduced Libido (sexual desire): Any tobacco-containing product is likely to affect sex life. Tobacco contains nicotine, which is a potent vasoconstrictor. A vasoconstrictor is a chemical that causes narrowing of the arteries and blood vessels and reduces blood flow to the body parts, including the penis.

Ways to curtail ill effects of tobacco consumption

  • Stopping smoking can improve natural fertility and some of the effects of smoking can be reversed within a year of quitting.
  • Women who quit smoking before conception or within the first three months of pregnancy reduce their risks of their baby being born prematurely to be on par with non-smokers.
  • Gutka chewing can not only affect fertility but also outcome of pregnancy. Thus men must be aware and must be asked to de addict themselves before planning a baby.
  • Men can also try various nicotine gums available in the market after consulting doctor when planning family
  • Women who stop before their third trimester can avoid much of the effect smoking has on birth-weight.

The author is an IVF Specialist and a Consultant for Reproductive Medicine at Manipal Fertility, Ongole

By Dr Gincy Mathew

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