Women with Wings

Women with Wings

Women have been an integral part of our society for a very long time without anyone realising it too often. They’re the literal backbone of almost every structure that now exists in our world. The 21st century has seen a revolution of Feminist movements resulting in greater participation of women in most sectors of society.

Women have been an integral part of our society for a very long time without anyone realising it too often. They’re the literal backbone of almost every structure that now exists in our world. The 21st century has seen a revolution of Feminist movements resulting in greater participation of women in most sectors of society.

Women who were once limited to domestic work are now more liberalised and choose their career and life options with more independence. Women entrepreneurs these days are luckily a reality and are no less than a superwoman herself. They are the women who make sure their kids reach home on time and also meet the company goals on deadlines. They nurture their family at homes and their employees at workplaces. They are the women who had faith in themselves to start a journey not devoid of hurdles. They are the women who have turned their dreams into reality.

In the last few decades there has been a sharp rise of female entrepreneurs. Now more than ever we see incredible women set up different businesses and they do it with upmost skill. There is nothing more powerful and inspiring than a female entrepreneur who balances professional and personal life with utmost zest. She is the designer of her dreams and the head of her profession at the same time.

Her ideas expand in such an intricate manner that one is often overwhelmed. A female entrepreneur is multitalented and the action of multitasking runs in her blood being a woman. On November 19th we celebrate ‘Women Entrepreneurs’ Day’ every year. Through this article we solute these women and every one out there who passionately are turning their dreams into reality.

Divya Reddy

Divya Reddy is a fashion designer and a philanthropist. An extremely self-driven person who doesn't believe in quitting. She refuses to take no for an answer and always strives to be the best at what she does.

Tell us about your work?
I am a fashion designer by profession. Parallel to this I work to revive the dying art of handlooms. I support the weavers of a Telangana state and thus empower them. It’s mandatory that anyone who is associated with my organisation supports a girl child education. To me empowering this world is directly proportional to empowering a girl child with education and freedom of thought.

What do you enjoy the most about your work?
The fact that I get to play such an important role in preserving our culture and being appreciated for it is what gives me utmost satisfaction about my work. Being able to showcase the master weaves from our heritage to experimenting with new aesthetics along with many talented artisans that I work with, to showcase on some of the most prestigious fashion platforms nationally and internationally is certainly a positive boost.

What is your source of inspiration?
I draw inspiration from literally everything and anything that pleases my eyes. Every season is different and unique in terms of my collection.

One piece of advice that you follow in all spheres of life?
Do not quit! Period! No matter what happens if you don’t quit then at least you have 50% chances of getting there and winning. If you quit then you surely would lose what is dear to you. I have followed this throughout and has been my mantra of life. “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going”

What is your take on modern Indian woman?
I guess I can safely call myself a feminist. I always believe women are the women powerful creatures of God’s creations. We are strong individually and stronger together. If I had one superpower I would wish would women be granted freedom! Freedom of thought and expression. This is not just my beliefs but it’s my faith that this world would be a better place if women be granted their share of life.

Vaishali Neotia

Vaishali Neotia is an engineer, entrepreneur, speaker and revolutionist. She is also the cofounder and CEO of Merxius, whose flagship product is the World’s first Extended Reality authoring software with which anybody can use without any need for coding.

Tell us about your work?
My company Merxius is India's leading Augmented and Virtual Reality company. We have received many awards and accolades over the years, including being in the top 10 deep tech company lists by IBM, Vogue, Nasscom and twice won the Aegis Graham Bell Award for innovation. We aim to democratise access to the above technologies, so that non-coders can create their own AR, VR experiences via our product RED. RED is a cross platform, extended reality enabler software, with which 3D models can be converted in to an extended reality experience without the need for any coding skills. It is a great way for engineers, designers, doctors, admins to enhance engagement and efficiency, reduce time and cost and extricate more from their work.

What do you enjoy the most about your work?
I believe in the power of technology. I believe in harnessing it to make our lives easier. It is amazing to be able to bring advanced tech down to a layperson's level where they can easily use it for their benefit. The quality of our work speaks for itself. Having engaged with people across sectors like real estate, engineering, marketing, defence, etc. to deliver world class work using our expertise in Extended Reality technologies.

What is your constant source of motivation?
My parents, siblings, friends and all the wonderful stories of ordinary people who have attempted to explore their own potential and been extraordinary.

One piece of advice that you follow in all spheres of life?
We always have choices. It is important to be aware of options beyond A, B, C. There is a whole lot more all the way to Z. It is important to make informed decisions for our own and standing by them, irrespective of what everyone else is doing. I've learnt from my mistakes over the years and understood the importance of the above.

What is your take on modern Indian woman?
“Women everywhere are waking up to understanding their choices and having the courage to explore their true potential in the face of all pervasive and prevalent patriarchy. We all (every gender) should have the choice to be homemakers or work in unconventional fields, conventional fields without gender bias coming in the way. There is a lot of struggle and change still needed, and we have to stay strong and keep pushing, together.”

M Madhavi Vasudhev Rao

Madhavi Rao is the founder and director at Triumph Physical Education, an endeavour to make learning fun. She is compassionate, smart and yet very firm as an individual.
Tell us about your work?
I provide a Physical Literacy and Sports curriculum for school children.

Have you gained professional qualification for the same?
No, I have an MBA in finance and had to learn everything about my work from scratch.

What do you enjoy the most about your work?
The children of India getting this unique curriculum and making the most out of it and having a blast while working towards being healthier citizens of tomorrow.

What is your source of inspiration?
My father, he has always been the wind beneath my wings. Always encouraging me, trusting me and guiding me when I fail or get stuck.
One piece of advice that you follow in all spheres of life?
Be Humble.

Divjyot Chawla

Divjyot Chawla is the founder of velvet patisserie, a hub for delightful culinary embrace. She is quiet, calm, workaholic, dreamer, and an observer!”
Tell us about your work?
I bake, to fulfil my passion as well as for a living. I’m a self-taught baker and eventually an entrepreneur.

Have you gained professional qualification for the same?
No not really, I believe experience is the best teacher and I think my work is a perfect example of that.

What do you enjoy the most about your work?
The fact that I get to be a part of everybody’s celebrations and spread joy through desserts. Baking is like therapy to me, there’s nothing better than watching smiling faces. Baking is a stress buster for me, and well when your work itself is stress relieving, there’s nothing more you could ask from life!

What is your source of inspiration?
A lot of people. I believe there is something to learn from each one we meet in our lives, I try to imbibe the best from everyone I meet. A little bit of learning from everybody around!

One piece of advice that you follow in all spheres of life?
Keep going without looking back. It’s important to find a goal and then passionately stick to it. Nothing can be achieved without passion!

Rumana Waheed

RuamanaWaheed is the managing partner at ZARS International, a company which sells glassware and tableware made with gold electroplating.

How would you describe yourself as an individual?
As an individual, a very open minded, carefree, full of fun and ideas and a very friendly person.
Tell us about your work?

In Hyderabad, we have launched an import and export company called ZARS International which sells fine crockery made of crystal and bone china.
Have you gained professional qualification for the same?

None, I just stumbled into it. My husband was into it and some of my ideas given casually clicked, that inspired me to get into the business actively

What do you enjoy the most about your work?
I enjoy the fact that every project requires something out of the box. So, it’s never a dull moment and it keeps my creative juices flowing.

What is your source of inspiration?
The fact that my mom was a business woman, she was my first idol. There was always a drive within that I have to excel or achieve something. It was never very clear as to what and when, but the hunger to do something and stand out, was always prevalent. Plus, encouragement from my husband, kids and family at all crazy times keeps me going.

What is your take on modern Indian woman?
Lots has changed in India for women but there is still a long way to go. What is required is a general overall change in attitude towards the do's n don’ts for a woman. It’s happening at a faster pace now due to the exposure.

Monika Misra

Monika Misra is the co-founder and general manager of the company iKeva, a work space provided with community and member benefits.

How would you describe yourself as an individual?
I am extremely passionate about my start-up, very independent and self-reliant and extremely hard working.

Tell us about your work?
I am the co-founder of iKeva, and here we provide co-working with a strong sense of community. While solving the basic problem of providing productive workspaces, we enable meaningful professional connections.

What do you enjoy the most about your work?
Every moment that the iKeva team creates value for our clients, enables a meaningful network for our members and has added to the lives of over 4000 members that we have, it is thoroughly enjoyable and satisfying.

What is your source of inspiration?
I look up to Sheryl Sandberg, her journey and experiences in the Tech world which is largely male dominated and her success story awe inspiring. What is very interesting are her thoughts on how women should confidently lead and at the same time manage their personal lives. Equally big inspiration is my mother, who has been independent and self-reliant in an era where women hardly stepped out of their homes.

One piece of advice that you follow in all spheres of life?
Prioritise and focus, and always accept a mistake when you make one but learn quickly.

What is your take on modern Indian woman?
Women today are empowered to dream and follow it to make a super success. I believe the women leaders today in India are exemplary - ruthless and patient/ caring, that can inspire a her to be extraordinary.

By: Hafsa Hussaini

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