Meeting on Dalit attacks

Meeting on Dalit attacks

Eminent Dalit and Muslim leaders and Office Bearers of the Muslim SC, ST and BC front held a round table conference at Media plus auditorium on Thursday to discuss and bring out solution on the on-going atrocities on Dalits in various parts of India.

Abids: Eminent Dalit and Muslim leaders and Office Bearers of the Muslim SC, ST and BC front held a round table conference at Media plus auditorium on Thursday to discuss and bring out solution on the on-going atrocities on Dalits in various parts of India.
All the Dalit and Muslim leaders and office .bearers held a meeting “After Muslims, Dalits at receiving end by Bhakts” against the recent attacks on Dalits and Muslim and action plan on how to stop RSS in south India.

Founder and President of the front Sanaulla said that we have to make a action plan to stop RSS from such attacks. He said that media is a great influence to the people in today’s world and has forgotten its law; media has a big responsibility for the development of the county. He added that if Dalit and Muslims come together then we can solve many problems and we need to support Dalits during elections.

Poet, revolutionary Telugu balladeer and activist Gummadi Vittal Rao said "In order to save the country from bhakts, we must save the constitution. Muslims have ruled India for over 700 years, but never tried to coerce people to change religion neither did they attempt to make India a Muslim state. On the contrary, during its tenure, BJP is leaving no stone unturned to make India a hindutva state, and communalize the nation”.

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