Thunder showers confine people to homes

Thunder showers confine people to homes

 Heavy rain accompanied by lightning and thunders lashed Tandur, Yalal and Peddemul on Sunday for about half an hour inundating several low-lying colonies in the town.  At Saipur, water logged between the houses in the town. The people could not come out of their homes because of the heavy rain. 

Tandur: Heavy rain accompanied by lightning and thunders lashed Tandur, Yalal and Peddemul on Sunday for about half an hour inundating several low-lying colonies in the town. At Saipur, water logged between the houses in the town. The people could not come out of their homes because of the heavy rain.

The people heaved a sigh of relief as the atmosphere became cool bring respite from the hot and humid weather. Water logged at many places in Gollacheruvu area. Incidence of hailstones was reported from several places.

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