Chinese journalists ​in​ Moscow ​for 70th anniversary of the nuclear industry in Russia

Chinese journalists ​in​ Moscow ​for 70th anniversary of the nuclear industry in Russia

The first joint press-tour arranged by Rosatom and Rossotrudnichestvo took place from September 22-26, 2015. 30 media representatives from 16 countries of Europe, Asia and Africa, including China, specializing in energy were given an opportunity to visit the major facilities of the nuclear industry in Moscow and the Moscow Region, and participated in special events in honor of the 70th anniversary of the nuclear industry in Russia.

The first joint press-tour arranged by Rosatom and Rossotrudnichestvo took place from September 22-26, 2015. 30 media representatives from 16 countries of Europe, Asia and Africa, including China, specializing in energy were given an opportunity to visit the major facilities of the nuclear industry in Moscow and the Moscow Region, and participated in special events in honor of the 70th anniversary of the nuclear industry in Russia.

"It is important that young people from different countries have the opportunity to become acquainted with the characteristic features of Russia. We must continue this interaction for future cooperation and implementation of new joint projects," noted Pavel Zhuravlev, a representative of Rossotrudnichestvo, welcoming the delegation at the Central Office of the Federal Agency in Moscow on September 24.

“Joint press-tours offer a unique opportunity for young specialists, experts, journalists from different countries to see the achievements in the Russian nuclear industry — visit the enterprises, advanced NPPs, scientific and research centers. We are glad to support such initiatives and hope that our cooperation with Rossotrudnichestvo will make it possible to arrange such tours on a regular basis,” said Vladislav Bochkov, Vice President for Communications at Rusatom International Network.

During the press-tour, the participants visited Public Joint Stock Company ‘Mashinostroitelny Zavod’ (Electrostal), and learnt about the fabrication of fuel pellets, fuel elements and fuel assemblies, processing in absorber rod fabrication. At NRC ‘Kurchatov Institute’, the journalists had the opportunity to see the Center’s scientific and research, and processing infrastructure including an F-1 reactor, a set of T-10 tokomak pilot thermonuclear facilities, Data Processing of Kurchatov NBIC sciences and technologies, and a resource center for X-ray and synchrotron research studies.

During the visit to the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, the media representatives met the University administration and foreign students, and saw the achievements of the Engineering, Nano and Laser Centers.

Guests also enjoyed a varied cultural program. The journalists went to the exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the nuclear industry held in Moscow Manege, special events held in the Kremlin, and other events.

Rossotrudnichestvo has been implementing a program of short-term introductory tours to Russia for young representatives of political, social, scientific and business communities of foreign countries since 2011. In 2015, within the Rossotrudnichestvo program "New Generation", media representatives from India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, South Africa, China, Jordan, Algeria, Brazil, UAE, Argentina, Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine and other countries visited Russia.

The Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Cultural Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) is implementing projects aimed at strengthening international ties and close cooperation in the humanitarian sphere. The activities conducted by the Agency contribute to overcoming cultural barriers and other obstacles to the development of international cooperation.
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