Playboy turns sober, no more obscene pictures in the magazine

Playboy turns sober, no more obscene pictures in the magazine

Playboy magazine will stop publishing images of fully nude women from March 2016.

London: Playboy magazine will stop publishing images of fully nude women from March 2016. In an interview with a newspaper, CEO Scott Flanders said that Playboy founder Hugh Hefner had agreed with a proposal to stop publishing images of naked women from March 2016, The Guardian reports.

The magazine would still feature a Playmate of the Month and provocative pictures of women, but they would be rated PG-13. Cory Jones, chief content officer of Playboy, said that the magazine would be more accessible and more intimate.

The website has already been given a makeover and made safe to read at work, which will attract younger readers and increase the web traffic. Playboy was founded by Hugh Hefner 62 years ago.
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