Lesson for the Communists from China  

Lesson for the Communists from China  

Communists though would hardly have spared anything in emulating their  ideological mentor, China. Still regarding some matters it seems that they have yet to learn the ways  of world from it. And if they do this unfulfilled work in all honesty their views regarding Jihadists  like Afzal, Yakoob Memon would, perhaps, no longer remain same

Communists though would hardly have spared anything in emulating their ideological mentor, China. Still regarding some matters it seems that they have yet to learn the ways of world from it. And if they do this unfulfilled work in all honesty their views regarding Jihadists like Afzal, Yakoob Memon would, perhaps, no longer remain same.

They may remember the time when in 2009 Beijing-Olympics were about to start as in the meantime it got rocked with terror strikes in Sinkiang on Aug 5, and later with serial bomb blasts in Beijing on Aug 11 by jihadists, leaving many people and several policemen dead; and many others injured. Not only this Urumqi, the capital of Sinkiang, inflamed with riot between Uighur Muslims and Han Chinese resulting 184 deaths and over 1000 people injured, most of them were Han Chinese. But, fearing that these incidents might threaten the staging of Olympics, how Chinese govt. reacted to this is what is worth notable.

Sparing no time, nor indulging in the political calculation [common scenario in our secular polity], it one pointedly declared war on three forces namely— separatism, extremism and terrorism. And, true to declaration, the rioters were crushed with sheer brute force, being treated as they deserved to be. Getting into the root of all the problems, Friday prayers in Urumqi mosques were banned, and Muslims were sternly told to pray from their homes either. And, eventually, Olympics games started peacefully; and passed off successfully.

And, nay, no one like us thereafter ever heard any more of the disturbances, far less riots. Yet question persists how so comfortably could Chinese govt. achieve normalcy in the country? Answer is, by two things—diplomacy and action. The instance of as to how it displayed action that we have seen above. And as for diplomacy, the steps taken by it in Sinkiang is to be seen.

This State of China holds as big an area as that of one third of India. Notably in 1949 Sinkiang had a majority of Turkish Muslims [Uighurs] — as high as 94%; while Han Chinese were just 6%. Then it was independent state, being known as East Turkestan; but later it was invaded by China and came to be known as Sinkiang. It is because of this historic reason, and of course jihadists elements receiving sustenance from Pakistan sharing boundary with it, this part had been trouble torn with secessionist activities, but how China handled it shows to what extent it may go to the cause of national interest. It set upon to integrate Sinkiang through bringing about its demographic transformation by settling Han Chinese there. As result of which in the six decades since 1949 the population of Han Chinese shot up by seven times— and now they constitute 41%, with Uighurs coming down to 45% [rest of the population being comprised of other group].

Means, China trusted not its army or administrative apparatus alone, but more so its people i.e. Han Chinese. Taking cue from the example of China, Communists of the country had better allow Govt. and security forces do their job, otherwise nothing can stop to confirm already held view that they are with everything that is subversive to the national interest. By coming out in support of demand of handing over of Kashmir to jihadists they can of course cause harm to nation, but they would not be imprudent enough to imagine that they would reap something out of this for themselves.

For they must be aware of the fact that, what of themselves, everybody else is sheer Kafir for Jihadists so long as he or she is unsubscribing to their definition of radical Islam— be it innocent Yezidi women subject to their sexual tortures; or may it be no less than their own Muslim brethren,Shias. African countries like Somalia, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Senegal, Ethopia; and entire Arabian region; as also, with the latest incident in Brusells, Europe—they all are tormented by none else but their own Afzal Gurus and Yakoob Memons. Last year only because of jihadists so many as 50 thousands Muslims of Central African republic were forced to flee their homeland. What happened that a terrorist organization named ‘Seleka’ staged the coup in Central African Republic and usurped the power there.

Whims of running the country as per Islamic Shariyat law by the new ruling power came to co-habitant Christian citizens of the land as a misfortune. But when later on the things went beyond the limit Christians found their survival alone in retaliation. They united and rose to fight back. How severe would the blow have been as a result of to realize that we have so big a migration of the Muslims then before us.

France that gave the message of liberty, equality, fraternity to the modern world; or be it China that, far from indulging in religious discrimination, rejects religion itself; or be it even Pakistan[ with the invariable support of which only the terrorism grew to assume global dimension]— nowhere Jihadists allowed peace for the people. As such from where occurred to our Communists that by showing sympathy to such fanatics they would be able to do that which none could have done so far?

By By- Er.Rajesh Pathak

The views expressed in this article are personal opinion of the author

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