Spiritual Guru Shri Prakash Ji being harassed by radicals in Russia

Spiritual Guru Shri Prakash Ji being harassed by radicals in Russia

Alexander Dworkin, the person who attacked the Bhagavad Gita in Russia six years ago is now attacking a prominent public figure and spiritual Guru Shri Prakash Ji, who

New Delhi: Alexander Dworkin, the person who attacked the Bhagavad Gita in Russia six years ago is now attacking a prominent public figure and spiritual Guru Shri Prakash Ji, who has been living in Russia for past twenty-seven years and his spiritual work has always been oriented towards humanity, peace and building a friendly relationship between Russia and India.

People who are interested in Hinduism and Indian Culture, visit Shri Prakash Ji's Ashram in huge numbers and his rising popularity has triggered radical elements related to Russian Orthodox Church to attack his figure publicly.

Recently, Dworkin crossed all boundaries on November 2, when he, along with a group posing as policemen, conducted unauthorised raids in the Ashram and Shri Prakash Ji's home. Their actions were not sanctioned by any legal procedure or supported by any documents.

Later, when Shri Prakash Ji along with his son visited the office of the Police department head, who had expressed his wish to meet Shri Prakash Ji, a very horrifying incident happened.

A man who did not introduce himself entered the room and threatened Shri Prakash Ji and said something like, "Russia is a country for Christian people only". Shri Prakash Ji's son was literally pushed out of the meeting by using physical force.

The use of psychological intimidation to scare people from other religions in Russia is an extremely dangerous and deplorable practice that Dvorkin and his gang are notorious for.

After this incident, Shri Prakash Ji made two video appeals on Youtube. In one he addressed India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and in the other one, he made a video appeal to Russia's premier, Vladimir Putin.

The main message contained in both of the video appeals is that Dworkin's actions must be stopped as they harm the friendly relationship between India and Russia.

The other important thing is that Dworkin's site should be removed by the government of Russia as it is the constant source of all threats and dangers for Shri Prakash Ji and his family.

Shri Prakash Ji's family also filed a complaint in the General Prosecutors office of Russia. The family hopes that Russian authorities take the necessary measures to prevent such things in future.

All the radical elements, being headed by Dworkin, understand very well that an attack on the only prominent figure related to Hinduism in Russia is a much better strategy to counter Hinduism's rising popularity among Russians than attacking a holy book whose authors no longer exist.

On a tactical level Dworkin and his people use all kinds of dirty schemes in order to inspire fear among followers of minority religions in Russia.

It's a point to note that Dworkin also attacks the representatives of other religions like Islam and Buddhism. It is also worth mentioning that Dworkin and his extremists have their people in literally every governmental and non-governmental structure.

The cause for main concern is the forum on Dworkin's site where he is openly insulting Hinduism and its deities.

This has been going on since the Gita burning incident and when Shri Prakash Ji opposed it by challenging the site in the Russian court, Dworkin started attacking his public image and reputation on the same site. Dworkin has since been regularly targeting Shri Prakash Ji and even his family members.

Even in the past, there were widely criticized physical attacks on the Ashram on December 11, 2016 after which a petition on change.org was created with the aim of removing the extremist forum.

Shri Prakash Ji even met General V.K. Singh in India who promised to support in this noble cause.

It's a point to note that their already were public protests in support of Shri Prakash Ji in front of the Russian Embassy in the beginning of the year 2017.

There was also huge support garnered in Russia from representatives of Russian show business and politics.

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