Now pornstar Stormy Daniels says she didn't have an affair with Donald Trump!

Now pornstar Stormy Daniels says she didnt have an affair with Donald Trump!

Adult film star Stormy Daniels, in the midst of a publicity tour fuelled by past allegations of a 2006 sexual relationship with a then-married Donald Trump, said in a statement today the alleged affair never occurred.A lawyer for Daniels

Adult film star Stormy Daniels, in the midst of a publicity tour fuelled by past allegations of a 2006 sexual relationship with a then-married Donald Trump, said in a statement today the alleged affair never occurred.A lawyer for Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, confirmed the statement was authentic but didn't offer any further details.

The statement comes at a curious time for Clifford, who is scheduled to appear following the president's State of the Union address on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" In recent weeks she has changed production companies, given a television interview and promoted strip club appearances with a risque play on Trump's "Make America Great Again" campaign slogan.

Michael Cohen, Trump's personal lawyer, has denied there was any affair.

Clifford's allegation, first made in 2011 and then again a month before the election, went mostly unnoticed until The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month that Cohen brokered a USD 130,000 payment to Clifford to keep her from publicly discussing it.

A week after that report, In Touch magazine printed a 5,000-word interview it conducted with Clifford in 2011 but never published after Cohen threatened the tabloid with a lawsuit, The Associated Press has previously reported.

In that interview, Clifford described a single sexual encounter with Trump in 2006, when he was recently married to his third wife, Melania, as well as a subsequent years-long relationship with the reality TV star. The magazine said it corroborated her account with friends and said she passed a lie detector test.

In her statement today, Clifford said she wasn't denying the affair because she was paid "hush money," but rather "because it never happened." Neither Cohen nor Clifford has addressed whether she was paid USD 130,000, or if so, why.A publicist didn't respond to questions about the statement today.

First Lady Melania Trump made a very visible return to the public stage today by attending her husband's maiden State of the Union address, her first official appearance since accusations of infidelity surfaced about the president.

The enigmatic wife of Donald Trump emerged publicly for the first time since she fed the Washington rumor mill by cancelling her trip to Davos, Switzerland, leaving her husband to attend last week's World Economic Forum on his own.

Melania's no-show in Davos came on the heels of a bombshell report that Trump had a fling with porn star Stormy Daniels in 2006, just months after his wife gave birth to their son.

But for Trump's big night in Congress, Melania arrived smiling and waving, to warm and extended applause -- dressed in a crisp cream white pantsuit that stood in contrast to the black donned by Democratic lawmakers in solidarity with the victims of sexual harassment.

Minutes later, her husband took the floor and exchanged waves with his wife.

Among Trumps' guests in the first lady's box were a US Marine corporal who stepped on an explosive device and lost both legs while deployed in Iraq in 2007; first responders who helped save hurricane victims in Louisiana and Texas, and parents of children killed by the gang MS-13.

Breaking with tradition, the first couple arrived separately to the Capitol, because, according to the first lady's spokesperson Stephanie Grisham, she was accompanying guests.

Afterwards, the first lady was seen being escorted out of the gallery by a military officer, as Trump spoke with lawmakers and administration officials on the House floor.

It was not immediately clear whether the Trumps returned together to the White House.

As the 47-year-old wife of a 71-year-old man known for past lewd remarks about women, and whose two past divorces became public spectacles, Melania Trump is dogged by speculation that they lead largely separate lives.

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