Watch: Plastic waste transformed into boats

Watch: Plastic waste transformed into boats

In an innovative method, a group of students in Africa are making the best use of plastic trash. Plastic bottles are purchased in abundance and several bottles just end up in the ocean instead of being disposed of in recycling bins.

In an innovative method, a group of students in Africa are making the best use of plastic trash. Plastic bottles are purchased in abundance and several bottles just end up in the ocean instead of being disposed of in recycling bins. Bringing about a change, the students from Cameroon are transforming plastic trash into boats.

Using the plastic bottles, they are fabricating floating canoe-shaped crafts which they call ecological canoes. The initiative behind the craft is to change the use of plastic waste which degrades sensitive ecosystem. Thousands of plastic bottles near Cameroon’s largest city, Douala are being used as canoes and also as fishing boats.

Local fisherman, although initially apprehensive about the idea are satisfied with the crafts being strong and seaworthy.


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