8 Tricks to look better in pictures

8 Tricks to look better in pictures

You know that moment when you annoyingly ask whoever is taking a picture to retake it because you don\'t like how you look in it? That will no longer be you, thanks to these tips you are going to look photogenic in a flash.

You know that moment when you annoyingly ask whoever is taking a picture to retake it because you don't like how you look in it? That will no longer be you, thanks to these tips you are going to look photogenic in a flash.

1. If you tend to blink in photos, close your eyes just before the picture is taken and open them slowly before the camera clicks. No more half-closed eyes!
2. Stand in front of a white wall. A light-colored backdrop will help brighten your face. Using a white background also helps a camera’s automatic settings find the right color balance, so your skin tone doesn’t end up looking too pink or yellow
3. Forget saying “cheese,” and instead think of something funny. Better yet, joke with the photographer. A natural smile trumps a fake one every time or else say ‘money’, the strong e sound makes the corner of your mouth go up and crinkles around your eyes make it look like a genuine smile
4. Take pictures at dawn or dust, but never midday. In the morning the light will be a cool blue hue and will be at a much lower point, so it won't cast any unsightly shadows on your face. At noon the sun is right over you, so your forehead will be brightly lit and shadows will be cast onto your eyes from your brows, so try to avoid taking pictures during that time if you can. And at dusk the light is a warmer, golden tone and is also more in front of your face, so you won't have to worry about shadows then either.
5. A cloudy day brings about nice, soft light that will leave less emphasis on character lines that you might focus on in a bad way. The clouds, and even a shaded spot, act as a diffusion, making the photo look softer.
6. When taking a selfie, hand the camera to the tallest person — who has the longest arms which will allow everyone to get in the frame, plus they can hold it upward while tilting it downward with ease, so everyone is at their best angle.
7. To avoid a double chin, elongate your neck and push your face forward a bit. Think of sticking out your forehead and tipping your chin slightly down. It might feel awkward, but it will look great — promise.
8. Avoid standing directly under a light, which can cast weird shadows on your face. Instead, stand facing a natural light source, such as a window, or in a spot where soft light hits your face from the side.
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