On PDAs and Literature - Less is always Priceless

On PDAs and Literature - Less is always Priceless

We all have heard the saying \"Less is more\". This quote has a deep seated meaning and can be used not only in our clothes and how we dress ourselves but also in our relationships. The relationship here discussed is about boyfriend and girlfriend and those of husbands and wives.

We all have heard the saying "Less is more". This quote has a deep seated meaning and can be used not only in our clothes and how we dress ourselves but also in our relationships. The relationship here discussed is about boyfriend and girlfriend and those of husbands and wives.

Nowadays, we see posts or photos on Facebook, twitter and other social networking sites screaming for attention. The posts we call here would be very plain. For example, two people holding hands and taking selfies, or two people expressing their love through calling out darling, sweetheart and so on.

Now PDAs come in different forms. If you think, photos and posts can only communicate the level of PDA, then you are slightly old fashioned. The posts on where the couple is honeymooning, or the place that the couple is going for dinner qualifies for a position of PDA and can send out a signal for attention. The problem is we are all human beings. We would like to get attention and hate to be isolated from other beings. We all want to be seen, heard and loved. And we all want likes and comments as much as we want our water to enter our system when thirst pops out.

The FOMO (feeling of missing out) syndrome is the one which stress our lives and increase the tension in our lifestyle. But why not? Our lives have become increasingly competitive from finishing our work, meeting our deadlines to getting a house or getting married. Every person is being judged on their skills, level of income, having a car or a house etc.

This need for getting appreciated virtually brings a sense of self-esteem and recognition to one's mind and that ranks above all aspects. Gone are those days when we waited for a pigeon to return with a letter tightly pressed by its beak? Now we don’t have any patience to wait for a reply and scowl at our spouses or lovers for ignoring. Thanks to the 'last seen' function. Then, even pigeons did the job diligently in the matters of
heart. Now, even the parties’ concerned falter and be a subject of infidelity. And comes a need for showing rosy picture to the world.

For example, a couple posting a status that they are drinking a cup of coffee in some coffee house. Now we don’t know what happened during the time of coffee. A slip in the tongue may have acted badly when they were taking sips. The couple must have annoyed at each other and one of them may have left the coffee house. Now that is a hypothetical situation but an unpleasant coffee date could have turned out lucky for them as they might have hit more than century likes. But who cares, a need for being a celebrity is already met.

Going back to literature where human nature is being addressed on each and every page, brings a different perspective to us in terms of how to portray our relationships. The literature when told by Oscar Wilde brings a new school of thought, even if it was practiced in olden days, serves a right recipe for our hungry minds. So let me point out few of the Wilde's words:

a. Beauty is a form of genius - is higher, indeed than genius, as it needs no explanation - Love is a beauty which needs no explanation. Just like sun, moon and nature have a great sense of beauty, Love too has its own. As nature does not need to express or exhibit itself in front of the world's eyes, love need not too. It can show and can get admired by saying nothing.

b. Sometimes, too much of being romantic leaves no romance in the relationship - Yes Indeed. In olden days, one never expressed their emotions openly and often ensconced their feelings to a certain limit. And guess what, the romance stayed. The relationship sustained. And the parties involved felt great respect towards each other. The significance of relationship lies in engaging oneself into emotions of another even in the absence of words and expression.

c. An artist should create beautiful things, but should put nothing of his own life into them - Art is not an autobiography but it is our imagination and emotions that is laid down ion an canvas. Such is the case of Love. Love is an art which is your own emotional art which is painted on another person's heart. So why the need to show it to the entire world?

d. The commonest thing is delightful when one hides it - Love is universal. The way you feel towards the other person is magical but it is not uncommon. Even in the smallest corners of the world, some odd person is having same kind of feeling towards his or her person. But the discussion leads us that the show off culture has bit us so badly that even tiniest aspect of our love is to be endorsed on social media and get enough appreciation.
Having said that, we live in a sissy, effete society where we don’t have the power to tolerate any aspect of life. Even the breakups seek attention. We yearn for support from our virtual friends and well-wishers that lead us to go viral. More than the head count of friends and loved ones, the count of tweet and likes matter to us.

Many a love keeps circumnavigating around the hearts but fails to establish a place in our hearts. The point to remember is that love has existed even in the times where there was no connection. Out of the ashes of silence and least amount of expressions, love actually emerges like a phoenix.

By Saranya Iyer
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