What’s your Travel Personality? Take this simple Quiz

What’s your Travel Personality? Take this simple Quiz

Are you a planner or an Adventure junkie? This is going to tell which way you roll .The theory that people have a separate vacation personality is more than just a sitcom trope. You know that to be true when when you watch your perfectly sane best friend go bonkers over working out a schedule when you plan a trip together. 

Are you a planner or an Adventure junkie? This is going to tell which way you roll .The theory that people have a separate vacation personality is more than just a sitcom trope. You know that to be true when when you watch your perfectly sane best friend go bonkers over working out a schedule when you plan a trip together.

Or when your 9-5 work friend magically goes completely off radar over the weekend and returns with an unexplained tan. Don’t know someone like that? Well, then maybe you are that friend. Take this quiz and find out what your travel personality is.

How many bags do you pack?

All the bags I own. You can never be too prepared.
A big bag full of essentials. What I miss, I can buy.
Grab a backpack and I’m golden

Which aspect of travelling worries you the most?

Flight delays getting in the way of my tight schedule
Not having enough time to visit all the great places I come across along the way
Being bogged down by my baggage

Where do you want to stay during your vacation?

At the most luxurious suite my money can buy
A hotel good enough for a comfortable stay. Save money for souvenirs
In my tent. After stargazing of course!

What’s your favourite part about travelling?

Checking off the insta worthy destination after another from my Pinterest board
Making memories with the squad! It barely even matters where we are
New people, new cultures, new experiences.. could there be anything better?

Which scenario sounds like a nightmare to you?

Finding out that WiFi is unheard of at my destination.
Coming back to the hotel to realise I lost my phone
Being bombarded by calls while I’m vacationing

How do you decide where to go on your next vacation?

I pick a major tourist destination with lots to do
I research destinations that are close to me
I spin a globe and point at a random spot

A local recommends a must try restaurant what do you do?

This isn’t news to me! That restaurants been on my list since the day I booked the tickets

I push aside my lunch plans and try this instead. The locals know best!
I ask them to join me as I try the local cuisine. I’m sure they’ll have great stories to tell

What is the hashtag you’d use on the insta verse?


Mostly As

Your planning is so thorough that you probably even worked out what captions you’re going to use on your social media posts. You might be missing out on new experiences though, so maybe you should just wing it once in a while.

Mostly Bs

Congratulations! You strike the balance between being prepared and going with the flow. You have fun on the go, but perhaps loosening yourself a bit more isn’t a bad idea

Mostly Cs

You’re a pursuit, a spontaneous traveller who takes in all that the journey has to offer, but if you’re going off the grid, maybe at least pack a power bank so your phone can come to your rescue if needed.

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