Beauty and the Briefcase

Beauty and the Briefcase

Women may have ditched the whalebone corset for corporate suits way back in the 60’s but in the glam industries, the pressure to look perfect prevails. Unless you’re one of the lucky few who can carry off a paper bag, for most, our confidence is directly proportional to self image. Staying healthy and fit are prerequisites not just for your job, but also for living well. So here’s our experts take

Does your career put a premium on beauty?? Here we get experts to draw parallels between appearance and confidence and how to boost both.

Women may have ditched the whalebone corset for corporate suits way back in the 60’s but in the glam industries, the pressure to look perfect prevails. Unless you’re one of the lucky few who can carry off a paper bag, for most, our confidence is directly proportional to self image. Staying healthy and fit are prerequisites not just for your job, but also for living well. So here’s our experts take at not letting your imperfections get you down.

FASHION DESIGNER SPEAKS that her profession is all about projecting an image. Think about it would you approach a style guru who looks frumpy? Ironically, despite my weight insecurities, instead of affecting me negatively, my career only made me stronger. I could have gone down the same route that so many women have in my industry - becoming anorexic or bulimic. Instead I chose to be positive role models and admire women who were bigger than me but carried off just about any garment with panache thanks to their attitude.

psychologists says a lot of women have body women image issues many of us don’t over come them, and in such cases, a profession that puts the spotlight on you could send you over the edge the saving grace however is that it’s never too late to work on feeling good about your body. Keep notes about all your thoughts that you have on your body good bad and ugly. This will help you keep track of what messages your mind is sending your body. Go through them at the end of every week and if your putting yourself down, change those thought patterns now.

Work up a sweat like on a healthy diet and on a exercise regime which can take you on a long way like helping you reach your ideal weight. But exercise helps you mentally as well endorphins, the feel good hormones are released when you work out.

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