What is the DNA of NDA govt?

What is the DNA of NDA govt?

What is the DNA of NDA govt. “Today we are experiencing an encouraging response all over the nation. The faith in Sangha karya and Hindutva thinking is increasing.

There is a reason for this affirmative action to be initiated in the country as the RSS feels that a time has arrived for it to step up its ideological campaign in no uncertain terms in the country. That precisely is the reason for the Sangh Parivar to summon the government for what it felt was a much-needed course correction. The Congress cried foul and called it a travesty of democracy, forgetting the fact that it also does the same. Did Sonia Gandhi not hold review meetings when she was not holding any Constitutional position in the past? If Gandhi parivar is the DNA of the Congress, the RSS is the DNA of the NDA. Let us accept it

“Today we are experiencing an encouraging response all over the nation. The faith in Sangha karya and Hindutva thinking is increasing. Naturally this is a favourable time for the expansion of our work also. If everything is diligently planned now, then we would experience better results in the near future.

Let us move ahead with resolution and determination, establishing the impact of our thinking in all walks of life and present the creative power of our society to the world”. Thus concluded the RSS Sarv Sanghatan held on March 13 this year. Before assessing the government and its work on an hourly basis, the RSS had set certain goals in its mind for the functioning of the same.

There is a reason for this affirmative action to be initiated in the country as the RSS feels that a time has arrived for it to step up its ideological campaign in no uncertain terms in the country. That precisely is the reason for the Sangh Parivar to summon the government for what it felt was a much-needed course correction.

If the RSS became apprehensive that its faith in the present dispensation led by Narendra Modi-Amit Shah combine to promote its ideology was waning, it is perhaps because of the moves of the Modi government, too. The very fact that the government came to be known as a Modi government in such a short span of 15 months instead of being called a BJP or NDA government more often has made the RSS top brass sit up and take notice.

Its ideologues were unhappy to note that a sense of urgency was not being seen in government's action in the implementation of the Swadesh agenda. Before the present three-day exercise, the government and its policies had come under the Sangh parivar scanner. It is said that several aspects of it were not that palatable to the latter.

Just as any rocket that takes off needs some combustion processes to put it into a higher orbit, the government too needed the same, the RSS is said to have concluded. This is one such process, a top BJP leader admitted. “It is what is required at this juncture. The trajectory has to be maintained to reach the desired goals and, hence, the intervention. Otherwise, it is wasted.”

The RSS way of looking at the last general elections is somewhat different from the general public view. It believes that the voters of the country had shown their political maturity in the elections in voting for a stable and well ordered government. It has recorded the election results in the following words:"The people of Bharat have shown their political maturity.

In this election people have voted for a stable and well ordered government. This is the first time that the society has expressed its faith by bringing to power a political party inspired by Bharatiya thought & ideology. After many years a team committed to the Bharatiya philosophy is at the centre of decision-making.”

Hence, "the natural expectation that with the cooperation of the policy-makers, thinkers and experts and with balanced thinking, time-consistent plans should be made and implemented.” Just like the voters, the RSS has national security, sovereignty and prosperity on top of its agenda. But it also, in addition, has "self-respect,” of the common man very high on it. It also has its own definition of development.

"There is a need to define the concept of development in the light of the reflections of the great Bharatiya thinkers-sages as well as Bharatiya lifestyle and values. The foremost priority should be on rural life, culture, needs and aspirations of the schedule castes-tribes.” "The Bharatiya philosophy, traditions, moral values and rich culture have always steered and guided the world.

The citizens expect the present government to represent the distinguishing features of Bharat on the world platform.” RSS minces no words in judging leaders, be it its own or others. For example, take a look at what it has to say about J&K: "A new government in the state has been formed after the recently conducted elections in Jammu and Kashmir, but in his statement, the Chief Minister of the State, Mufti Muhammad Sayeed, gave the credit of the peaceful elections to the terrorists, Hurriyat Conference and Pakistan.

This statement is undesirable in all respects. The credit of peaceful elections in Jammu & Kashmir should be given only to the peace-loving citizens of the state, political parties, the defence and security forces, administrative officers and the Election Commission.” It is not that the RSS is being dismissive of Modi's achievements or is belittling his contribution to the nation.

In its emphasis on foreign relations, it has got this to say: "The reputation of Bharat should rise in this competitive world. It is a challenge that Bharat which has set the example of sustainable development presents itself before the world in the current scenario. It is essential that we extend friendly relations with our neighbouring countries for the peace of the region.

We also expect a positive cooperative dialogue from our neighbouring countries. Faith is the basis of friendship. The people of Indian origin staying abroad in various countries are feeling proud of the role of effective leadership of the present government.” If the NSA-level Indo-Pal talks have been called off, there is little surprise then that the RSS has no faith in it and, hence, the government had lost its faith in it, too.

The Opposition could conclude on this basis. The RSS is firm that the government understands the public expectations, feelings, and sensitivity and work accordingly "as the nation expects it to do so.” The RSS is happy that efforts of the government on the issues of Swachhata Abhiyan (Cleanliness Campaign), Ganga Suraksha (Protection of Ganga) are in the right direction as it sought always and "hence the performance is laudable.”

All this may not be palatable to the Opposition which senses an opportunity in this to attack Narendra Modi and his government. But, it should be recalled, all said and done, that this is not the first time ever that the RSS is doing so. It has been doing so every year. Now that the BJP is in power, it has come under the scrutiny of every one.

The only difference this time is that instead of making it a two-day affair, the RSS preferred a three-day session at Madhyanchal in New Delhi to review the government's performance. The Congress cried foul and called it a travesty of democracy, forgetting the fact that it also does the same.

Did Sonia Gandhi not hold review meetings when she was not holding any Constitutional position in the past? In the past the BJP had questioned the then government and UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi about the role played by some NGOs funded by foreign agencies in policy-making being part of the National Advisory Council (NAC) and the Planning Commission.

Highlighting reports about the NGOs funded by foreign agencies, BJP spokespersons had asked in the past: "If such NGOs having base in the Planning Commission, which distributes the public and tax payers money to programmes that are implemented all over the country, also sit in the NAC in the planning of Indian public policy, then is very worrying.

Tell us what role these people have in the making of policy by the NAC which is implemented by the UPA. These are very critical issues and important to understand who was playing what role in the split power centres –one with Sonia Gandhi and the other by Manmohan Singh, and what role these people had in the planning of this country.”

Just as Sonia installed Manmohan Singh and his Cabinet, the RSS too reportedly installed Narendra Modi and his team. This is a country of equal opportunities. Is not it so? First meddle, then deny. That seems to be the bottom line theory! If Gandhi parivar is the DNA of the Congress, the RSS is the DNA of the NDA. Let us accept it.

By W Chandrakanth

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