Media sensationalising every news ​

Media sensationalising every news  ​

To be informed about all kinds of happenings around us cannot be always healthy. For healthy thoughts healthy materials are very important. Truly, listening to the inspiring news and knowing about those kinds of facts definitely help generate a stream of positive thoughts. They subsequently energize our heart and soul. Thus, one feels encouraged to think good, do good and be good.

To be informed about all kinds of happenings around us cannot be always healthy. For healthy thoughts healthy materials are very important. Truly, listening to the inspiring news and knowing about those kinds of facts definitely help generate a stream of positive thoughts. They subsequently energize our heart and soul. Thus, one feels encouraged to think good, do good and be good.

But on the other hand, the nasty news or a series of cheesy information that we hear over and over again can leave an adverse impact upon our mind-set. This might give birth to negative aspirations and envy which later get manifested into our actions and that in turn mold our character and finally decide our destiny. This indeed, result in the gradual weakening of our faculty of a true sensibility leading to the inability to make the right judgment and see the truth as they are.
Yes, in this age of a fast-paced digital media we inevitably run the risk of the hazard of a deluge of negative information. Visual materials that we often get bombarded by outrageous media turn out as yummy feasts for our voyeuristic eyes.
Well, the recent outbreak of the saga of lust, conspiracy, and betrayal of Indrani Mukerjea has sent shudder down our spines. But what is worse here is that the way the National media leeching onto it. For over a fortnight they have been harping on it. How on earth they become oblivious of other topical issues and the news that matter the most but keep digging into the privacy of others which only contaminates the psyche of the general masses. Does it not send out the wrong message to our tender youths?
It is often observed that some of the TV channels are so morbidly obsessed that they work up their extra sweat to give twists and turns to sleazy stories. Well before the trial begins in the court of law --- the media anchors threateningly pose as heartless judges by falsely convicting the innocent souls. Again, they could even be too soft on a dreaded criminal while too hard upon others, especially those who lack a glamour quotient. Frankly speaking, a huge discrimination is noticed on the basis of gender, caste, creed, race and religion.
Could we forget the recent subversive posture of the mainstream media? With all impunity they showered a whole lot of sympathy upon the murderous terrorist Yakub Memon. How one, who had allegedly orchestrated diabolic bombings in 1993 that killed over 250 innocent people, merits so much of importance? Does it not embolden others to follow in Yakub’s footsteps who might later pose a terror threat to the Nation? Again, what makes the mainstream media judgmental on every crucial issue and deliberately influence the unsuspecting citizens to form the biased opinions? Sometimes it so appears that certain media barons must be with some ulterior motives best known to themselves.
Have we ever seen the American media taking the side of the terrorists? If such case ever happens they will be pulled up and immediately tried for a treason. After the devastating jolt of 9/11 the US government stopped at nothing to enhance its security arrangement and the intelligence network. Without seditious interference from within everything is implacable there now. But, in India it’s quite unthinkable.
Yes, it’s much loud and clear through the social media that the majority of people are exceedingly unhappy with the biased make-up of some of the Indian media. Their credibility and journalistic integrity is seen with a heavy dose of suspicion, especially now when the terror modules are roaring with vengeance. Masses are quite awakened to the reality. The citizens strongly feel that country’s security and peace is far more important than the freedom of speech which might hurts the nation.
​By:Salil Gewali
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