Why meditation is a must in these times


The spread of practice of meditation is owing to the rapid pace of life and demands of modern society. Doctors and psychiatrists recommend mediation to overcome stress. The nervous system was once thought to be outside conscious control but now the advanced research shows that it can be influenced by a particular mental state. Psychosomatic diseases are no longer a myth.

On the dawn of new calendar year, I would like to share with the readers of The Hans India certain remembered, collected and to some extent practicing benefits of meditation.Meditation is nothing but a technique of bringing the body and mind together with correct process of emptying one’s thoughts when the mind is at rest. It is generally agreed all over the world that meditation is beneficial and that can change the one’s lifestyle and attitude.

The spread of practice of meditation is owing to the rapid pace of life and demands of modern society. Doctors and psychiatrists recommend mediation to overcome stress. The nervous system was once thought to be outside conscious control but now the advanced research shows that it can be influenced by a particular mental state. Psychosomatic diseases are no longer a myth.

The mind has the power to create good and bad health, therefore we see the ancient art of mediation in mew light, this technique bring one’s pointedness of the mind, there is no scattering of positive forces .Faith comes to one with intense practice under able guru/trainer, it requires Dharana (intense one pointed concentration), Yana (when mind merge with object) and Samadhi (the super consciousness state). Samadhi is the ultimate goal of the meditator, when the mirror of mind shines untarnished without the interference of thoughts and vague memories.

Let us see what has science to say. It was ’Hhandberger’ who discovered that the brain in a constant state of electrical activity and this is recorded by placing the electrodes on the scalp (EEC), using which the scientists discovered the different frequency ranges of electrical activity. Scientists called these patterns waves, Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theeta. Delta is associated with deep sleep.

Beta waves appear when the brain is active, the theta when dreaming and alpha waves when the eyes are closed. People in meditation produce alpha waves when eyes are closed. These results are confirmed by two research scientists Dr Bachi and D Wagner of the University of Lowa, US. For their experiments they took EEC machine to the Himalaya mountain caves where Rishis are in deep meditation. The researches flashed lights in front of them, disturbing their meditation by producing sounds and dipped their palms in ice cold water, the rishis did not move an inch, alpha waves are recorded and no change in reading is noticed.

Meditation does produce distinct and remarkable change in the brain activity. The’ Sive Samhita,’ an Indian ancient text, and Upanishads never questioned such phenomena. The renowned Patanjali Yogi sutras list 52 super powers or Siddis which one can acquire by using the superior meditative techniques.

Meditation is a conscious act, it is the creation of a personal sanctuary to which one is able to retreat; it is a state of deep physical relaxation creating a different mental make-up. If practised daily with missionary zeal, a new perceptive begins to establish itself. The outside conditions do not change your views, you start seeing others in different light including your family members and people around you.

You will notice a distinct change taking place in yourself and your behavior. Hence I suggest to all to practise mediation and achieve the fruits of it, which can be experienced and can’t be shared theoretically. Please begin form today i.e., the first of January 2017 and experience yourself tremendous benefits of mediation.

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