Do not kill before it dies – Grandfather Paradox of AIADMK

Do not kill before it dies – Grandfather Paradox of AIADMK

During the last assembly election, people of Tamil Nadu had given a clear verdict to Amma to rule the state for another 5 years. It means, the opposition parties can harp their fortune in Tamil Nadu politics only after 5 years.

During the last assembly election, people of Tamil Nadu had given a clear verdict to Amma to rule the state for another 5 years. It means, the opposition parties can harp their fortune in Tamil Nadu politics only after 5 years. People want Amma to continue her welfare and reformist rule to take TN to an all round growth, development and social justice. But the recent episodes and scenes in AIADMK are indeed disgusting to all those who support and revere Amma. From the day AIADMK was formed by MGR till the demise of Amma, AIADMK remained as party of people and not of a family or had ever followed the rule of dynasty where the family members are the judge, jury and executioner in the party.

The amazing respect and reorganization enjoyed by O Pannerselvam (OPS) from Amma proves nothing but the loud truth of AIADMK i.e., AIADMK was indeed an equal opportunity employer till Amma dies.

Unfortunately after the demise of Amma, the party has slipped into loyalty clash where war is happening between public loyalty and family loyalty.

All those AIADMK MLA’s elected to TN assembly were only at the behest of Amma and people have voted only for Amma and not for any other person in the party. Perhaps, to become MLA candidate and to contest, someone else would have supported and funded them from behind the screen and therefore many legislatures would have chosen to be loyal to those who would have helped them. But just with the funding or recommending to Amma to select them as candidate, they had not become MLA. It is only the people who voted them and thus they become MLA. Hence all the MLA’s of AIADMK are supposed to be loyal to people and not to those who might have helped them from shade or behind curtain.

Showcasing loyalty has exceeded all limits in TN politics and has certainly touched new low. May be as a mark of loyalty, all those loyal people are attempting to kill the goose much before it meets its natural death by surrendering the party at the lotus feet of their boss whom people of TN totally hate, dislike and disapprove.

It is greed that feeds the greed. The greed of people to be in power is supporting the greed of some one in the kitchen so that both can satisfy their greed. But people of Tamil Nadu are not fools or gullible.

The greatest irony is that still all the cadres of AIADMK are hopeful that all legislatures will respect the voice of people and would rally behind OPS, the man chosen by Amma and agreed by people of Tamil Nadu.

People do not want AIADMK to be a party of a family where aunt, niece, sister-in-law, husband, nephew etc., rule.

All those loyal legislatures of the family are daunting grandfather paradox. Since you have made me as MLA I will make you as party chief is the philosophy most of the loyal MLA’s of AIADMK appears to follow.

Most of the citizens of Tamil Nadu have only one request to all those loyal law makers of AIADMK. Be also loyal to those who elected you and certainly to Amma.

The so called family was the Achilles’ feet of Amma both in her public and person life at appears.

Unfortunately many legislatures of AIADMK are in fact strengthening the weak spot of the party and not weakening it. It is like a deer that had trapped in the net of a hunter entangle further in the same net due to its panic and lack of foresight ness and as a result, the innocent deer losses all its chances to escape from the net.

A period of five years without any disturbance and uncertainty really is a golden period for any political party in power. This period can be made into wonderful, remarkable and memorable. Who knows the departed sole of Amma also may visit the state again during the next election to save the people of Tamil Nadu like how the late King Mahabali is believed to visit Kerala during every Onam festival.

No one doubts or questions the loyalty of all those AIADMK legislatures who swarm around a family. The possible reason for the above also, people have own guess. For own self gratification, never become Judas Iscariot and betray the truth and good will of people of Tamil Nadu upon AIADMK. Move away from the baggage that burdens the party and re-unite and re-build Amma’s vision. Let OPS be the fulcrum of the AIADMK.

Dr S Ranganathan

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