It was 5 who fought adharma and aneethi – Let us support Modiji

It was 5 who fought adharma and aneethi – Let us support Modiji

The great epic – Mahabharat clearly tells us about the true essence and philosophy of dharma and Nyaya that are not affected or influenced by numeric or majority. 

The great epic – Mahabharat clearly tells us about the true essence and philosophy of dharma and Nyaya that are not affected or influenced by numeric or majority. It was just 5 Pandava brothers who took on the then mighty force Kaurava to end adharma and anyaya. If Pandavas ever decided to abstain from action/responsibility due to the least numbers on their side, the dharma would not have won in our land and nor we would have got such great epic and philosophy called Bhagavat Gita.

Interestingly Lord Krishna abdicated all his weapons to Kaurava but joins with 5 Pandava brothers to provide proper counselling to them during the war. From the spiritual point of view, one can question that why Lord Krishna wanted the brothers to fight adharma which the Lord himself could have done it easily. But that is the essence of dharma and in dharma, everyone has a certain responsibility and therefore everyone must act responsibly in discharging their responsibility.

Today Modiji is fighting corruption all alone. Along with him those who fight corruption are very thin in numbers when compared to the big establishment of corruption that has spread its roots all over. Even if some roots of the big tree is cut or destroyed the tree is not going to die because its taproot and other adventitious/lateral roots are going to support the tree continuously. Further plenty of gardeners are there to provide manure and water to the tree to keep it growing.

Modiji needs enormous strength and force to uproot the tree and such force and strength can be given to him only by people of this country. The force and secret networks of some babus with corrupt politicians cannot be underestimated. They are capable of changing gender to colour and taste to even the day to night or sun to moon. Therefore Modiji administration has certain limitations. To uproot the tree, not five years but 10 or more years are required for Modiji and this is the truth. Only if people remain together with Modiji instead of getting scattered over to the false propaganda of the dynast and its refugees, India can be saved.

Having a vision for the nation (NEW INDIA), translating the vision into schemes and policies for people, implementing all such polities truthfully and finally punishing those who deliberately fail to implement all such policies are governed by different agencies in India. It means the great vision and mission of Modiji can be easily sabotaged various government machinery. Punishing all such machinery is not that easy because of various pre-existing archaic laws and rules. That is why Modiji is focusing greatly on reforms in every sector of administration and governance. The reform initiated by Modiji in the banking sector with reference to dealing the defaulters of bank loan is really path-breaking.

The advantage of all evil forces is that they always work in perfect cooperation amongst each but on the other hand, the people who fight all such evil forces would easily get disheartened and may even quit because of lack of endurance. Evil forces are so powerful and therefore those who fight the evil force will have to pay a high price. Today what India witness is exactly the same means every one are criticizing Modiji even for those officials who are alleged to have sabotaged the investigation of certain big-ticket scam resulting in weakening the judgment. The need of the hour is that people must extend their unconditional support to Modiji and must keep his mission against corruption going.

People are disappointed and upset with Modiji because most people are convinced that Modiji alone can reform India and people trust and believe Modiji more than the judiciary system in our country. It is like God is the last resort of the helpless man.

The entire world is fighting ISIS but still could not be eliminated although their operation could be limited significantly. Many terrorist groups however small they may be, but still eliminating them is not so easy. Corruption is as dangerous and is the biggest terrorist that can destroy the country almost permanently.

Modiji needs support of the people to free India from corruption and corrupt netas.

Dr S Ranganathan

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