Mental garbage: Sift carefully, choose well

Mental garbage: Sift carefully, choose well

The mind is an accumulation It is societys garbage bin Anybody who passes by, stuffs something into your head Lets say you dont like this person can you stop taking things from him You receive much more from people whom you dont like than from people whom you like, isnt it

The mind is an accumulation. It is society’s garbage bin. Anybody who passes by, stuffs something into your head. Let’s say you don’t like this person; can you stop taking things from him? You receive much more from people whom you don’t like than from people whom you like, isn’t it?

You have no choice about what enters — everything that you’re exposed to in the world will enter you. You have discretion about what to use and what not to use, but you have no discretion about what to take and what not to take.

So, what you call as thought is just a certain reverberation, which is happening all the time. Whatever the content of your garbage bin, that is the kind of thought that is going on. I don’t want to improve the quality of your thoughts. I just want you to find the switch and switch them off.

You don’t have to control the quality of the thought; you turn it off when you don’t want it, you turn it on when you want it. The very source of Creation is throbbing within you; what is it that you’re thinking about which is more important than that? To handle the mundane activity of life, you need to think.
Mind is just a small version of your Internet.

It has gathered this and that from everywhere. When we need it, we go online, when we don’t need it, we go offline, isn’t it? That’s how you should be. Don’t try to improve the quality of the Internet; all the garbage in the world goes onto the Internet. What you want to access, and when you want to access, is up to you. Don’t try to improve the quality of thought; you cannot. If you turn it off and turn it on... if it becomes a conscious process, then you would naturally choose what you want.

Often the question arises, what is the best way to seek the Divine. If this fundamental nature of what it means to be human finds a natural expression in one’s life, one need not go in search of the Divine; the Divine will come to you. It’ll be behind you. Generally, people have been taught to look up to the Divine, to plead for the Divine, to beg the Divine, to pray to the Divine. I think you must live in such a way that the Divine should be a willing aide in your life. Only then this life is really worth it.

If you make yourself into a beautiful being, the Divine should be behind you all the time. This is not out of ego. It is just that when the flower blossoms, the flower does not go in search of the bee, though the flower’s existence and its future depend on the bee. It exudes such fragrance that the bee has to come. Even though the very existence of the flower is dependent on the bee, still, it is the bee that comes to the flower. Only if you don’t have the fragrance, you have to take the flower to the bee.


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