Indian women boxers rewarded

Indian women boxers rewarded

Union Sports Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore on Friday announced a cash award of Rs 6.70 lakh for all the gold medal winners at the recently concluded Youth Women\'s World Boxing Championships.

New Delhi: Union Sports Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore on Friday announced a cash award of Rs 6.70 lakh for all the gold medal winners at the recently concluded Youth Women's World Boxing Championships.

India's junior women pugilists won five gold and two bronze medals emerging as team champions during the week-long event in Guwahati. "You girls have changed the old thinking that girls can only take part in some games. This thinking should end, anyone can take part in anything," Rathore had words of encouragement for the youngsters during a felicitation ceremony organized by Boxing Federation of India (BFI).

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