Key to reduce hypertension

Key to reduce hypertension

Nowadays when one is detected with high blood pressure, it’s considered quite normal. After a certain age, almost everyone gets high blood pressure, so what’s the big deal? Just pop pills for life, reduce salt intake and you are sorted!

Nowadays when one is detected with high blood pressure, it’s considered quite normal. After a certain age, almost everyone gets high blood pressure, so what’s the big deal? Just pop pills for life, reduce salt intake and you are sorted!

High blood pressure can present with symptoms that are seemingly innocuous – erectile dysfunction, vertigo, breathlessness, memory loss etc. Over a period, there can be more serious complications, as it can damage the arteries, leading to heart issues, dementia, stroke, blindness, and more.

That’s why it’s important to keep a regular check. It’s so easy to prevent and even reverse hypertension, so why not?

Here are few steps that you can take to keep on top of your blood pressure.

Go Plant-based
All animal products including dairy contain fats, which cause thickening and narrowing of the arteries. Simply go in for high fibre foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

Stop processed foods
We generally tend to think that we put hardly a spoon of salt in our dish. However, a higher proportion of our intake of salt actually comes from packaged foods, which are loaded with salt.

Exercise regularly
Exercising every day has a great positive impact on our body and helps reduce both stress and blood pressure.

Reduce your stress
Challenges will keep coming, it’s how you handle them that makes all the difference. Stress surely raises blood pressure. If one simply shifts focus on finding the solution, rather than overthinking about the problem, stress will surely reduce. For every problem has a solution.

Quit Smoking
Each cigarette that you smoke increases your blood pressure for many minutes after you finish.

Lose Weight
As weight increases, so does the blood pressure. Even reducing a little weight has an impact on your levels.

Tea and coffee also has an effect
Both tea and coffee raise the blood pressure.

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