Professionalism pays: Avoid these 3 mistakes at workplace

Professionalism pays: Avoid these 3 mistakes at workplace

3 Things You Should Never Do at Work

In a world where the definition of professionalism is changing drastically, coming to an agreement on what defines a “bad corporate citizen” is nearly impossible. What some may deem unprofessional, others find quirky. However, when employees don’t do the following three things, I can’t help but second-guess their professionalism:

Refusal to collaborate

When employees don’t play well with others, so to speak, I can’t help but notice because it puts roadblocks up for the rest of the team. A study by McKinsey found the average worker spends an estimated 20% of their work week looking for internal information or tracking down colleagues who can help with specific tasks. When employees don’t support their peers, work bottlenecks and everyone loses. The most professional employees work well with others and prioritize communication to stay aligned with other teams.

Clamming up

Today, social skills and consistent communication between managers and employees is crucial in the workplace. Even if you’re in a job that doesn’t require daily face-to-face meetings, a true professional will communicate to his or her manager where they’re facing roadblocks and seek advice. Similarly, managers should have a genuinely positive attitude about coaching and wanting to help employees get better at their jobs. This manager-employee relationship is a two way street, and it looks unprofessional for both parties when there’s a lack of communication.


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