BIGO LIVE: The Fastest Growing Global Community for Live Video Broadcasting

BIGO LIVE: The Fastest Growing Global Community for Live Video Broadcasting

BIGO LIVE, the fastest growing social media video streaming app, is proud to announce it has now reached a new status as a global brand and is becoming

Mumbai: BIGO LIVE, the fastest growing social media video streaming app, is proud to announce it has now reached a new status as a global brand and is becoming a hub for live video broadcasting for the entire world. BIGO LIVE now stands out being a highly downloaded app in both Google Play and the Apple App Store. BIGO Live enjoys vast popularity not only in Asia, but also in North America, Europe, Russia and Middle East, slowing dominating the live video streaming markets in the world.

Introducing BIGO LIVE!
BIGO LIVE is a free live-streaming video app for iOS and Android allowing mobile users to broadcast themselves and capture audiences to share their lives spontaneously via video. The app was launched on March 2016 and has immediately captured a fast-growing audience in the Southeast Asian region particularly young people.

BIGO LIVE gives active, young and fashion-forward people a place to find each other and connect, sharing their interests and thoughts about anything and everything making BIGO Live a great platform to start growing your social circle.

Major factors that contribute to BIGO LIVE’s massive popularity are, first, its core team strength and technology. BIGO LIVE’s platform has offered technology, talent and experience that support each other and is reflected via the product itself.

This is further supported by the appearances of powerful personalities who have adopted the platform to address large number of users. BIGO LIVE’s community has attracted personalities like news anchors who have in turn attracted hundreds of thousands of fans from their respective social media channels like Facebook. Such names include Lilly Luta, Dang Dung, Nguyen Huu Cong, etc. in Vietnam whose followers have helped achieved a record 9000 users in one BIGO LIVE room. Statements from sources at MIGO, a famous entertainment company in Vietnam, claim that most of their talents are also engaged in BIGO LIVE for updating their audience. Going over to Thailand, online celebrity Onboatz which commands an 80,000 strong following in Instagram now shares updates also via BIGO LIVE.

BIGO LIVE is dedicated in creating a positive atmosphere as well as a means to become a tool in voicing out positive messages. Indonesian star Julia Perez shared her experience in fighting cancer via BIGO LIVE which garnered positive acclaim from fans which were moved by her tell-all session.

In other regions such as North America and South Korea, BIGO LIVE has also managed to make an impact with a wide user-base. A famous American prank star, Vitaly, has once broadcasted a bullfight that he joined on Halloween. Before the bullfight took place, he had even tweeted, “if I die, at least I die live,” inviting everyone to join his BIGO live stream to watch the exciting bullfight.

BIGO has also created a very large and healthy community in South Korea with live streamers broadcasting their interesting lives and even make-up tutorials to viewers.

BIGO LIVE also advocates green broadcasting encouraging healthy broadcasting content. Bigoer Di Du Hoc offers overseas Vietnamese students to introduce themselves to American and Canadian users, which have in-turn attracted 2000 viewers in one session and has also received high acclaim from users.

Dentists have also made their marks in the BIGO LIVE platform, interactive with users and sharing dental care knowledge, an act that has been applauded by followers from regions that suffer from poor dental care education or access to dental care services.

The BIGO LIVE platform has assisted emerging actors and actresses in engaging their audience which helps them to eventually land roles in movies and advertising. This has turned live broadcasting apps as pioneered by BIGO LIVE into one of the key tools in assisting growing talents to increase exposure and make themselves more visible.

BIGO LIVE has performed remarkably well in the Southeast Asian, North American, European, Chinese, Russian and Middle East markets and has since grown further outwards from its humble roots embodying what BIGO stands for: Before I Get Old. It lets users do something interesting and meaningful to share with a larger audience before they start getting old. It’s a young and trendy community and this is maybe why BIGO has crossed borders and gained its well-deserved popularity.



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