Congress leader Komatireddy questions showcause notice

Congress leader Komatireddy questions showcause notice

Former minister Komatireddy Venkatreddy who received a show-cause notice for criticising TPCC president Uttam Kumar Reddy stated that the criticism was a common aspect in the Congress party.

Former minister Komatireddy Venkatreddy who received a show-cause notice for criticizing TPCC president Uttam Kumar Reddy stated that the criticism was a common aspect in the Congress party.

Addressing the media on Monday, Komatireddy said that as the party was vast like a sea, criticism needs to be taken in good spirit. The Congress leader further questioned as to why show-casuse notices were not issued to Palvai Goverdhan Reddy and Sarve Satyanarayana as they also had criticised party leaders. He however, stated that he would be sending a reply to the show-cause notice soon.

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