Free medical camp held

Free medical camp held

A free medical camp for BP, sugar, seizures, paralysis, dental and other health problems was inaugurated at Narra Raghava Reddy memorial hospital here on Sunday.

​Nalgonda: NGO organisations and Trusts should come forward to help the poor in medical and educational fields, said Dr Mallu Gowtham Reddy.

A free medical camp for BP, sugar, seizures, paralysis, dental and other health problems was inaugurated at Narra Raghava Reddy memorial hospital here on Sunday.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr Gowtham Reddy appreciated the organisers, doctors and volunteers involved in the medical camp. He lauded MNV trust for coming forward to provide free medical checkup and medicines for one month at Rs 100 only to the poor people, who have been suffering with chronic diseases.

He also lauded Dr Gopalam Shivanarayana for his restless services to the poor through frequent free medical camps in two Telugu speaking states.

He urged the patients suffering with chronic decease to utilise the free medical camps of MVN trust, organised on every third Sunday at Narra Raghava Reddy memorial hospital in Nalgonda.

Along with Dr Gowtham Reddy, Dr Raju and Dr Mamata contributed their services to as many as 170 patients in the camp.
MVN trust organisers Narsi Reddy, Chandra Shekar, Bucchi Ramaiah, Yadagiri, Sudhakar Reddy, Ashok, Shankar, Narasimha, Saidulu, Durga Prasad and others participated in the free medical camp.

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