Opposition, JAC hail verdict on GO 123

Opposition, JAC hail verdict on GO 123

The Opposition parties and Telangana JAC welcomed the High Court order scrapping the government order 123 pertaining to land acquisition for various developmental programmes in the State, on Wednesday.

Hyderabad: The Opposition parties and Telangana JAC welcomed the High Court order scrapping the government order 123 pertaining to land acquisition for various developmental programmes in the State, on Wednesday.

The Congress party which has been opposing the government’s attempt to acquire land for Mallannasagar under GO 123 described the judgement as a victory for the farmers and villagers who were fighting for their rights. TPCC Chief N Uttam Kumar Reddy said that the government was not functioning in a constitutional manner. He said that the State government did not pay any heed towards the concerns of the farmers.

He hoped that the government would at least now learn a lesson and stop coming up with such untenable GOs. Congress, BJP, TDP and Left demanded of the government not to take unilateral decisions hereafter while formulating key policies. Fire crackers were burst at Gandhi Bhavan to celebrate the High Court’s verdict.

Telangana TDP Working President A Revanth Reddy said the verdict was a slap on the face of the government and credited the farmers and Opposition parties, who he said, had been fighting tooth and nail against the implementation of the order. “TDP had been demanding that the State government provide compensation to the displaced at Mallannasagar reservoir under the Land Acquisition Act, 2013, but the government paid no heed to us,” he said.

Hailing the decision of the High Court, TJAC Chairman Prof M Kodandaram said that the government had committed a big mistake by issuing GO 123 which was against the spirit of 2013 Land Acquisition Act. “The 2013 Act provided some rights to the affected people and imposed certain responsibilities to the government,” said Kodandaram.

Responding to a query on the government’s proposal to go in for an appeal on the judgment, Kodandaram said that any appeal will not hold up because the GO itself was against the Act. He said it would be against the prestige of the government if it tries to go in for a back-door solution.

The Telangana BJP unit also welcomed the decision of the High Court. Telangana BJP Chief K Laxman said the government was terrorizing people by bringing in GOs with a fascist attitude without taking the Opposition parties into confidence.

He said there was no change in the thinking of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao even after the High Court found fault with the State government’s policies on many occasions. “KCR should have known that after the 2013 Act was enacted, the GO issued by his government was untenable. The government should immediately handover the lands forcibly acquired from the farmers,” he said.

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