What went wrong, where?

What went wrong, where?

Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao on Wednesday called upon the State administration to pro-actively ensure that the benefits of re-organisation of the districts reached the people.

Hyderabad: Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao on Wednesday called upon the State administration to pro-actively ensure that the benefits of re-organisation of the districts reached the people. At the inaugural session of the District Collectors’ Conference held at Pragathi Bhavan here, KCR observed: “In the past, several governments with different ideologies implemented many programmes and schemes.

Yet, there is simmering discontent among the people. We have to find out the reason for it and determine where exactly things went wrong. We have to identify what exactly the people need and try to find solutions. If the discontent among the people crosses its limits, then, some vested interests may take undue advantage of it. In this background, the official machinery should think in an innovative and creative way.”

The Chief Minister said re-organization of the districts was done to decentralise administrative wings so that the fruits of development and welfare schemes reached the targeted beneficiaries without fail. KCR said there was need to bring about tangible change among the people, a change for the better. “There is nothing impossible for us to rectify discrepancies in society. Money will not solve all the problems. Good policies and programmes should come and change people in society for better,” he said.

Referring to the TS I-Pass policy, KCR said that it had given a boost to the industrial policy in the State. About 2,500 industries had come to the State. Under Mission Kakatiya programme, water bodies had been revived and revitalised. Under Haritha Haram programme, efforts were being made to increase the green cover by leaps and bounds. He praised officials for having successfully put an end to gambling with playing cards and sale of illicit liquor. There was a need to provide alternative employment to the women previously involved in the manufacture of illicit liquor, the Chief Minister said.

The State had become No 1 in the implementation of welfare schemes, KCR said. “We are spending more than Rs 30,000 crore on this. We are successful in eradicating all the social evils. With the same spirit, all the government programmes and policies should be implemented,” he remarked.

The Chief Minister said annual plans should be prepared based on the socio-economic, geographic and other district-specific needs and resources. All districts need not have one common blueprint. “Know your district, Plan your district,” should be the motto. The plan should be made in tune with locally available resources, needs and demands of the people. This resource-specific planning should happen in each district, the CM said.

Referring to demonetization, the Chief Minister asked the officials to replicate the model of total cashless financial transactions adopted in Siddipet Assembly Constituency and make available more swipe machines and ATMs in the rural areas. Very soon T-wallet would be in place. Involve teachers, lawyers and students in educating the general mass on the cashless transactions,” the Chief Minister said.

On land registrations, the Chief Minister said that instructions had already been issued to register Sada Bainama lands free of cost. “We are giving permission to treat agriculture lands under Hyderabad, HMDA and Warangal as Sada Bainama lands,” he said. KCR lauded officials for successfully executing Mission Kakatiya works and asked them to encourage pisciculture in villages.

He emphasized the need to provide facilities and services in the government hospitals. “We have increased the budget for procuring medicines. Government hospitals should perform well and the Collectors should ensure this,” he remarked. The Chief Minister also suggested that crematoria should be created in villages and in places with sizeable Muslim and Christian population; burial grounds should also be established. Cremation and burial grounds could be established using funds available under MGNREGP.

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