Telangana: 13 fresh swine flu cases reported

Telangana: 13 fresh swine flu cases reported

Thirteen fresh positive cases of swine flu have been reported in Telangana, where 13 people have succumbed to the H1N1 virus and other complications since August 1 last year.

Hyderabad: Thirteen fresh positive cases of swine flu have been reported in Telangana, where 13 people have succumbed to the H1N1 virus and other complications since August 1 last year.

Sixty three cases were tested for swine flu yesterday and 13 of them came positive for the virus, a bulletin on swine flu issued by the State Government said here today.

It said 263 cases among 3,759 samples tested since August 1 last year were found positive for the virus.
No death was reported yesterday, it said.

Sufficient stock of medicines and testing kits were available in the state, it said.

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