Telangana government special drive to curb spread of TB

Telangana government special drive to curb spread of TB

The State government is all set to step up implementation of the National Strategic Plan (NSP) for control of Tuberculosis in the State.

Hyderabad: The State government is all set to step up implementation of the National Strategic Plan (NSP) for control of Tuberculosis in the State.

According to the State Medical and Health officials, a decision has been taken at the top level to make concerted efforts to achieve targets in containing the spread of TB with preventive care and also to provide necessary treatment to those affected by the disease.

Speaking to The Hans India, a senior official from the Health Department said that as per the current estimates, 275 people per one lakh of population in the State are affected by the TB. The State has about 1.5 lakh population affected by the HIV. A combination of these two would boost mortality which concerns the government.

Steps have already been taken for effective implementation of the NSP for the control of TB. Accordingly, the Detect-Treat-Prevent-Build (DTPB) would be fully implemented in all its components. For this, the State wanted to avail the funding from the Centre and it would supplement from the State resources if needed.

Explaining further, the official said that the details of the patients identified with TB, both in the public sector and private sector hospitals will be updated online through NIKSHAY portal.

The portal “is a case-based-web-based TB surveillance system developed for the entire country.” The portal will have details of diagnosis, medicines prescribed, time frame and daily dosage of medicine intake, nutrition intake, mobile number of the patient or their family members.

Patients will be given free medicines and when he takes the prescribed dosage of medicine in a day, the patient or those attending on him will have to give a missed call to a designated toll free number. This, in turn, automatically updated on the NIKSHAY. “Officials at the district, State and national levels could see on daily basis as to how many patients have taken medicine.

In case, “any patient or their attendants fails to give missed call then immediately the officials concerned will be calling the mobile number registered to verify whether the patient is given his daily dosage of medicine. If there is no response, then a volunteer appointed in the area will be sent to the residence of the patient.

By V R C Phaniharan

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