Woman sets herself ablaze along with two daughters in Warangal

Woman sets herself ablaze along with two daughters in Warangal

A woman from Warangal committed suicide by setting herself ablaze along with her two daughters on Monday night.

A woman from Warangal committed suicide by setting herself ablaze along with her two daughters on Monday night.

While the mother identified as Bhavani and daughter died following the incident, another daughter is now fighting for her life in the hospital. The incident took place in Thimmapur village of Khila Warangal mandal.

The reason behind the suicide is said to be the harassment Bhavani and her daughters were facing from her husband and in-laws.

In her dying declaration, the victim said that her husband had been harassed her for not giving birth to a son while her in-laws were about to get violent with her, hence she decided to kill herself and her daughters.

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