Lessons from Ram Rahim verdict

Lessons from Ram Rahim verdict

The latest addition to a longlist of popular godmen thrown behind bars is that of Gurmeet Singh Insan alias Baba Ram Rahim, the Chief of Sachcha Dera. The high profile CBI case culminating into conviction of Baba for 20 years in prison and a fine of over 30 lakh has gone into the annals of history with a few bitter facts. Therefore, it is time to ponder over them by all the right-thinking people.

The latest addition to a longlist of popular godmen thrown behind bars is that of Gurmeet Singh Insan alias Baba Ram Rahim, the Chief of Sachcha Dera. The high profile CBI case culminating into conviction of Baba for 20 years in prison and a fine of over 30 lakh has gone into the annals of history with a few bitter facts. Therefore, it is time to ponder over them by all the right-thinking people.

First and the foremost is the fact that there exists a criminal nexus between the politicians, bureaucrats, a select group of industrialists and businesspeople and a cartel of pseudo-intellectuals from the fields of education, media and judiciary on the one side and filthily rich and powerful Godmen with pocket borough vote bank of followers on the other.

In every case a definite pattern is followed by wrongdoers like Baba Ram Rahim is followed. Right from the days of Bhagwan Rajnish this pattern has been followed literally. Rajnish started as a religious preacher introducing himself as Acharya Rajnish initially. Then, he amassed huge wealth, built up an Ashram near Pune, and started openly preaching liberal sex, terming it as “Sambhog Se Samadhi.” He encouraged and sheltered many disciples to indulge in the orgy of illicit sex.

Obviously, politicians in power at that time blessed this lumpen who subsequently dared to declare himself as “Bhagwan” or God. His huge following garnered money and votes for the supporting politicians. All such activities merrily continued for several years but when the people stood up against this self-styled Bhagwan, the political “friends” advised him to pack up and go to America.

Another case of Satya Saibaba is also an eye-opener. Claiming to be the modern-day reincarnation of Shirdi Saibaba, this man set up an Ashram at Puttaparthy near Anantapur. He attracted masses by performing magic tricks, termed ‘miracles’ such as producing a gold coin, chain, ash, vermilion, etc.

from nowhere and gifting them to disciples. Though initially there was opposition to this conman from a rationalist group and journalists like Rusi Karanjia, Editor and owner of the Blitz weekly, all the opposition died down in a mysterious manner so much so, the arc opponent Karanjia himself became a devout Bhakta of Satya Saibaba, who too, wore the title of “Bhagwan.” Among his disciples were the prime ministers, chief ministers, ministers, judges, top bureaucrats, business tycoons, film stars, vice-chancellors and what not.

In fact, Satya Saibaba had become a parallel power centre. If you want some favour or the other like getting a pivotal job, promotion, bagging a contract etc; this Bhagwan’s blessings were available. But after his death when his ‘private’room was opened, if the media reports are to be believed, a host of luxury items like cosmetics, perfumes and gold jewellery weighing several kilograms was found. No body questioned himself as to why the “Bhagwan” needed all this. The blind followers continue to throng Puttaparthy even today in the hope that Bhagwan will return here after a rebirth.

The details of huge empires of other Godmen such as Asha Ram Bapu, Rampal, Nirmal Baba and the galore of illegal activities going on therein, are afresh in the minds of public. All the political parties milk these ‘holy’ cows so long as it gives them bountiful of ‘milk.’ They discard these Godmen as soon as their purpose of achieving political power materialised. The arrest and legal action on a Shankaracharya by the then Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu J Jayalalitha is a classic example of the “Use and Throw” practice by the politicians.

Then how is it that only Hindu religious leaders or conmen are targeted and conmen from other religions are spared? The answer is quite simple. By exposing Hindu religious leaders, the political parties in power and out of power want to prove their ‘secular’ credentials. They try to impliedly convey to the rest of the world, “Look we are truly ‘secular.” So much so that we even do not spare the religious leaders of the Hindus who are in a brute majority.”

That speaks volumes for not exposing the religious leaders from various communities though allegedly some of them indulge in sexual offences, harbouring criminals, smuggling, trafficking of women and children and preparing their followers for sedition and waging war against the country.

Sporadic judicial pronouncements on a few and consequently putting them behind bars is certainly not the answer to the widespread cancer which has reached the final stage. Therefore, the need of the hour is to cleanse the society by launching a massive operation which may be appropriately called, “Operation Conmen.”

Under such an operation, the special teams from police, Income Tax, Endowments, Waqkf Boards and other authorities concerned should conduct surprise raids on Ashrams, Mutts, Madrasas, Temples, Mosques, Churches, Apasaras etc. The questions of religious freedom, minority rights etc; should get back seat when the national interests are at stake.

Bold decisions
The Supreme Courts of Pakistan and Kenya have shown courage and constitutional impartiality by ousting the highest constitutional functionaries of their respective countries.

In Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif was disqualified for the post of Prime Minister following the Panama Papers scandal against him and his children. The supreme court has also declared Parvez Musharaff, an absconder in an another case.

In Kenya, the supreme court has invalidated the election of Uhuru Kenyatta as the recently elected President saying the elections held on August 8 were not conducted as per provisions of the Constitution. Kenyatta who was declared elected by a majority votes of 1.4 million against his immediate rival Raila Odinga now will have to re-enter the election fray.

City lawyers boycott work

Advocates practising in lower courts in city and rest of Telangana State boycotted courts on September 1. The protest was organised against the recent directive by the Supreme Court to the High Courts to ensure that backlog of cases up to the year 2012 is cleared by March. The lawyers felt that this would affect the quality of justice.

By Dr H C Upadhyay

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