Cry to save Bison Polo gets shriller

Cry to save Bison Polo gets shriller

A new outfit by the name ‘Save Bison Polo Group’ has been formed by residents of Secunderabad. Lawyers, software professionals, businessmen, housewives, retired Defence personnel, students and others are part of the group.

Secunderabad: A new outfit by the name ‘Save Bison Polo Group’ has been formed by residents of Secunderabad. Lawyers, software professionals, businessmen, housewives, retired Defence personnel, students and others are part of the group.


  • Residents and non-residents form a new outfit against Secretariat at the grounds
  • Residents of Secunderabad and even those who settled abroad come together and launch ‘Save Bison Polo Group’
  • They plan to send signed petitions to the Chief Minister and the Prime Minister

Within a couple of days since its launch, the group has been able to garner more than 1,000 members who have signed a petition against the State government’s move to construct a palatial Secretariat complex at the lung-space of Secunderabad.
The group plans to send signed petitions to the Chief Minister and the Prime Minister. The first activity of the group is a debate to be held on Friday at 4:30 pm opposite the Hyderabad Cricket Association gate. Persons from various walks of life would be speaking that include Prof Padmaja Shaw of Osmania University.

Speaking about the new initiative, Chandrashekar, a member said, “We, the residents of Secunderabad, fail to understand why a new Secretariat is necessary when there is one in place and also the open space is so huge that even if the whole of the city does rainwater harvesting it would not match the Bison Polo and Gymkhana Grounds in the amount of rainwater that the place soaks.”

A member on condition of anonymity said, “We do not want to politicise the issue and do not want to involve any political party and caste affiliations are a big NO. Our only objective is to save the Bison Polo Ground as it has a character and is a lone shining spot in the cantonment.”

Adding further, the member said, “If the Secretariat comes up at the Bison Polo Ground, people would be inconvenienced a great deal. Already the residents are bearing the brunt with a number of roads being closed by the Local Military Authority.”

V U Rao, who is part of the group, posted in the WattsApp group that the aim was to get one lakh signatures and submit a hard copy to the Ministry of Defence. In the meanwhile, a group of lawyers too are planning to file a petition in the High Court, it is learnt.

By T P Venu

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