‘Kotlata’ on Dec 4; JAC on the go

‘Kotlata’ on Dec 4; JAC on the go

Telangana Joint Action Committee’s (TJAC) ‘Koluvulakai Kotlata’ programme, aimed at highlighting the unemployment problem, will be held on December 4. The JAC

Prof Kodandaram exhorts youth, organisations and activists to make the public rally a big success

Hyderabad: Telangana Joint Action Committee’s (TJAC) ‘Koluvulakai Kotlata’ programme, aimed at highlighting the unemployment problem, will be held on December 4. The JAC leaders are busy in holding preparatory meetings with students, youth organisations and district JAC leaders on making the meeting a success.

According to its leaders, the JAC has arrived at a consensus to hold the meeting on Monday, December 4. However, a meeting with the main leaders of JAC would be organised in a couple of days and announce the date publicly. It may be mentioned here that the court had asked the Police Department to give permission to the meetings of JAC within two days whenever they apply. The police denied permission on several occasions and also put condition that the JAC can apply on any date except for November 30, December 1 and 6.

In order to garner support for the proposed meeting, the JAC leaders are busy holding preparatory meetings with various JACs in the districts. The JAC organised preparatory meeting in Nalgonda on Saturday, in Warangal on Sunday and in Medak on November 28. Similar meetings would be held in districts with the unemployed youth including the outsourcing, and contract employees’ associations.

Talking to The Hans India, Telangana JAC chairman Prof M Kodandaram said apart from media publicity, the JAC would arrange meetings with all organisations, take up rallies, pamphlets would be given to the unemployed who would be at the study centers.

“Youth will be given materials and awareness will be brought in them on the number of vacancies in the government and the delay in filling up of these vacancies, through rallies, posters etc. The youth are in pain that the government is not filling up the posts which they aspired during the Telangana agitation,” said Kodandaram. The police are inquiring with the organisations affiliated to the JAC asking them where they would go and how they would reach to the meeting place etc, he added. He said the meeting would be in Hyderabad and the venue would be decided in the JAC meeting to be held in a couple of days.

Kodandaram said the JAC wanted the government to resolve the problems of unemployed youth. He said the JAC wanted the government to notify the vacancies and release a calendar. The JAC also wanted the government to stop appointments in outsourcing and contract modes. Reservations should be provided to the locals in Central government undertakings and there should be equal pay for equal work as per the directions of the Supreme Court, he added.

Stating that the government could not provide employment to all, the JAC chief said the government should encourage and promote small, medium and cottage industries and concentrate on providing self-employment. He said the JAC had talked to the political parties for participating in the meeting.

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