Free medical camp held

Free medical camp held

:In an attempt to provide medical service, the BJP State Co-Convener, Ex-Servicemen Cell, Gopu Ramana Reddy in collaboration with Open NGO, Poulomi Hospitals and Solis Eye Care hospital organised a free medical service near Amedhkar Bhavan in Yapral here on Thursday.

Neredmet : In an attempt to provide medical service, the BJP State Co-Convener, Ex-Servicemen Cell, Gopu Ramana Reddy in collaboration with Open NGO, Poulomi Hospitals and Solis Eye Care hospital organised a free medical service near Amedhkar Bhavan in Yapral here on Thursday.

"The medical service observed at least 400 to 500 people to receive free treatment and medicines too.We focus on health issues and many such activities would be carried out in near future to help people maintain their health with frequent medical checkups," he said.

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