Residents told to keep surroundings clean

Residents told to keep surroundings clean

Corporator Cheruku Sangeetha Prashant Goud has said that cleanliness is nothing but godliness She visited Jaipuri Colony in the division, as part of Swachh survekshan2019, on Monday She inspected the wall written slogans meant for cleanliness near Blinds Colony Community Hall

Nagole: Corporator Cheruku Sangeetha Prashant Goud has said that cleanliness is nothing but godliness. She visited Jaipuri Colony in the division, as part of Swachh survekshan-2019, on Monday. She inspected the wall written slogans meant for cleanliness near Blinds Colony Community Hall.

She said that it is everyone’s responsibility to maintain cleanliness in their surroundings, and appealed to the residents to segregate waste and to dispose it to Swachh vehicles run by the sanitation workers. She lauded the sanitation staff in maintaining Swachh survekshan spirit in the division. Assistant Medical Officer of Health (AMOH) Uma Gowri said that the drive would help in eradicating mosquito menace and support the purpose of public health.

Earlier, the corporator monitored the road repair works at Venkata Ramana Colony in the division. She advised the workers to expedite the works without causing inconvenience to the general public.

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