Treat Anemia the right way- the diet way

Treat Anemia the right way- the diet way

In Greek, the word Anemia means \" no blood\". But that\'s an exaggeration. People with anemia have plenty of blood.

In Greek, the word Anemia means " no blood". But that's an exaggeration. People with anemia have plenty of blood. It's just that the red blood cells are not carrying their usual complement of energy-giving oxygen Anaemia may be defined as a condition in which there is a decrease in the quantity of haemoglobin, in the number of red blood cells, in the volume of packed cells, or in any combination of these. It usually results from consumption of refined foods and is among the most common disease affecting women.

The patient usually complains of weakness, fatigue, lack of energy and dizziness. Other symptoms include premature wrinkles, dull and tired looking eyes, poor memory, shortness of breath on slight exertion, headache, low healing so wounds, palpitation and mental depression.
Low formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow, either due to defects in the bone marrow itself or due to an inadequate intake of iron, vitamins and proteins is one of the main causes for anaemia. Other important causes may be heavy loss of blood due to injury, bleeding piles and excessive menstruation in women. Intestinal parasites or worms are yet another cause of anaemia.


  • Anemia from active bleeding: Loss of blood through heavy menstrual bleeding or wounds can cause anemia.
  • Iron deficiency anemia: The bone marrow needs iron to make red blood cells. Iron (Fe) plays an important role in the proper structure of the hemoglobin molecule. If iron intake is limited or inadequate due to poor dietary intake, anemia may occur as a result.
  • Anemia of chronic disease: Any long-term medical condition can lead to anemia.
  • Anemia related to kidney disease: The kidneys release a hormone called the erythropoietin that helps the bone marrow make red blood cells. In people with chronic (long-standing) kidney disease, the production of this hormone is diminished, and this, in turn, diminishes the production of red blood cells, causing anemia.
  • Anemia related to pregnancy: Water weight and fluid gain during pregnancy dilutes the blood, which may be reflected as anemia since the relative concentration of red blood cells is lower.
  • Anemia related to poor nutrition: Vitamins and minerals are required to make red blood cells. In addition to iron, vitamin B12 and folate are required for the proper production of hemoglobin (Hgb). Deficiency in any of these may cause anemia because of inadequate production of red blood cells.
  • Pernicious anemia: There also may be a problem in the stomach or the intestines leading to poor absorption of vitamin B12 may lead to anemia.
  • Sickle cell anemia: People with sickle cell anemia can be diagnosed as early as childhood depending on the severity and symptoms of their disease.

Diet is of utmost importance in the treatment. Refined foods like white bread, polished rice, sugar and dessert , rob the body of much needed iron. The emphasis should be on raw fruits and vegetables which are rich in iron. Iron rich vegetables are spinach, green onions, carrots, raddish, beet, celery, tomatoes. Fruits which are rich in iron are banana, apple, dark grapes, apricots, plums, raisins.

Bananas are particularly beneficial as they also contain iron, folic acid, and B12 all of which are extremely useful in the treatment of anaemia. Other iron rich foods are whole wheat, brown rice, soyabean, honey. Honey is also rich in copper which helps in iron absorption. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamine) is a must for preventing or curing anaemia. This vitamin is usually found in organ meats like liver, kidney, peanuts, wheat germ, soyabean.

A liberal intake of ascorbic acid is necessary to facilitate absorption of iron. At least two helpings of citrus fruits and other ascorbic acid rich foods should be taken daily. Beet root juice contains potassium, iron, copper, protein, vitamin B1, B 2, B 3, B 6, vitamin C and hence has a very important role to play in curing anaemia with its high iron content, beet juice regenerates and reactivates the red blood cells and supplies the body with fresh oxygen. Thus a well-balanced diet with a liberal use of iron rich food group is the antidote in the curing and treatment of Anaemia.

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