Free coaching to 500 government school students

Free coaching to 500 government school students

This year will be the year of celebrations for Allen Career Institute as Allen has completed its 30 years of foundation. Allen Career Institute was founded on April 18, 1988, 30 years ago. This year, the Allen Career Institute will take several initiatives related to social concerns. 

Hyderabad: This year will be the year of celebrations for Allen Career Institute as Allen has completed its 30 years of foundation. Allen Career Institute was founded on April 18, 1988, 30 years ago. This year, the Allen Career Institute will take several initiatives related to social concerns.

The directors of Allen family Govind Maheshwari, Rajesh Maheshwari, Naveen Maheshwari and Brajesh Maheshwari are grateful to students, parents and citizens of Kota city for contributing and supporting in this gloriously successful journey of 30 years.

Allen family is constantly growing. Along with students and parents, the team of Allen is also increasing. Allen Career Institute has so far provided coaching to 7.75 lakh classrooms students. Apart from this, more than 6500 team members are currently working in Allen. This includes faculty and staff.

Last year, 1.5 Lac students became a part of Allen, out of which 90 thousand students were are from Kota centre. 94,343 students joined Allen with distance learning programme. The goal of Allen is to target 2 Lac students by 2020 and 5 Lac students by 2025 in an academic session. Presently Allen Career Institute has 14 centres in different cities of the country.

500 students of government schools will get free coaching

Maheshwari told that Allen Career Institute is also working to helping talented students of the poor families of rural areas. Allen Career Institute offers the concession in fees to students through various scholarships every year.

In spite of this, the talents of many poor families are not able to get the opportunity. So last year, Allen moved a step further, and made a MoU with Rajasthan Government and started giving free coaching to 50 students of government schools in Rajasthan.

This year the target has been increased to 500 students. Under which, the poor and talented students of Government schools of Rajasthan, other than Rajasthan, will be given free coaching for IIT-JEE and NEET in classes 11 and 12 for two years. Proposals are being sent to the Chief Ministers and Education Ministers of the respective territories for this.

The children of martyrs will be given a concession of 90% by Allen Career Institute. Apart from this, the children of general soldiers will also get the concession in the fee.

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