Hyderabad: Historians nail Revanth's lies on 'secret stash' under Secretariat block

Historians nail Revanth’s lies on ‘secret stash’ under Secretariat block

Historians nail Revanth’s lies on ‘secret stash’ under Secretariat block


  • The puzzled chroniclers have demanded him to produce ‘evidence’ or apologise before they write to the party high command, Sonia Gandhi or adopt a legal path
  • Without historical evidence the MP has gone overboard to gain political mileage and settle scores, says Nawab Najaf Ali Khan, the grandson of Nizam VII Mir Osman Ali Khan

Hyderabad: Historians are up in arms following Congress MP A Revanth Reddy's startling claims that Nizams's wealth worth thousands of crores is hidden under now dismantled G-block of Secretariat.

With the new dimension from outspoken leader, the puzzled chroniclers have demanded him to produce 'evidence' or apologise before they write to the party high command, Sonia Gandhi or adopt legal path.

Speaking to The Hans India, historian Capt L Panduranga Reddy (retd), a fellow of Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, reacted sharply to the argument highlighted in media and said that history should not become victim of politics. He explained how the space meant for summer resort was turned for official use.

"By these unfounded allegations the MP not only had insulted the Nizams but also committed the sacrilege of Islam. It was Mir Mahboob Ali Khan (VI Nizam) built a summer resort at the 'Shikam' land of Hussain sagar. When he was about to enter the new building, he noticed a chameleon at the entrance. He regarded that as a bad omen and he abandoned the edifice."

"That means he did not hide any wealth there. After that the Nizam VIl Mir Osman Ali Khan turned the vacant building into the secretariat Bab-i-Hukumat. He did not bury the wealth either," he reasoned.

Meanwhile Hyderabad Deccan Democratic & Secular Alliance, Voice of Telangana and grandson of Nizam VII Mir Osman Ali Khan, Nawab Najaf Ali Khan issued a statement that without historical evidence the MP has gone overboard to gain political mileage and settle scores.

"The MP is well advised to settle his scores if any with the incumbent Chief Minister but do not drag the names in their altercations. The MP should know that the Islam does not permit to hoard wealth that too in the earth. He has a penchant for playing to the gallery.

In this endeavour, he makes calumnies in alliterations and hog headlines in the media. Can he cite one example in Indian history where a Muslim ruler had hidden his wealth in the earth?," argued Alliance president and historian Dr Chiranjeevi Kolluri and others.

Citing some instances of the Nizams for whom gold held 'no allure', they recalled how he used the world famous 'Jacob' diamond as a 'paper weight'. Mir Osman Ali Khan also donated tons of gold to the Defence Fund of India after the Chinese aggression in 1962.

While seeking an apology, they warned the MP of seeking 'legal remedies' and also taking the matter to the notice of Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi in coming days.

It may be mentioned here that on July 14 during a press conference Revanth Reddy as part of ongoing debate over demolition of buildings inside Secretariat complex, had demanded handing over of land chunk where once G-block stood, to Archaeology Department for excavation.

He raised questions over the way demolition exercise was started in the dark of the night and alleged that those involved could have recovered it and kept the details away from public.

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