Khammam: Youth Congress leaders told to strengthen party in districts

Khammam: Youth Congress leaders told to strengthen party in districts
Indian Youth Congress national secretaty Jebi Mather speaking at a meeting in Khammam on Thursday

Every youth Congress leader should play a key role in strengthening the party in the district, said Indian Youth Congress national secretary and in-charge of the State Jebi Mather.

Khammam: Every youth Congress leader should play a key role in strengthening the party in the district, said Indian Youth Congress national secretary and in-charge of the State Jebi Mather. On Thursday, a district-level meeting was conducted by the Youth Congress leaders at Sanjeeva Reddy Bhavan in Khammam.

Addressing the party leaders and cadre, Jebi Mather called upon the young leaders to strengthen the party in the State and help the party restore its lost glory.

She also reviewed party activities in the last few months and directed the youth Congress leaders to conduct programmes to discuss the students' issues in the State.

State Youth Congress president Anil Kumar Yadav, town Congress president Deepak Chowdary, Youth Congress State secretaries G Venkat and Lingaji, District Youth Congress leaders Pratap, Rudra, Santosh, Gangadhar, Vangaiah, Shiva and others attended the meeting.

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