Know the electricity rate per unit in Telangana, may be hiked soon

Know the electricity rate per unit in Telangana, may be hiked soon

Consumers unaware of the electricity charges can have a look at the rates being charged per unit by the energy department.

Consumers unaware of the electricity charges can have a look at the rates being charged per unit by the energy department. However, there is no fixed tariff for the domestic consumers but minimum charges are applied if no unit is consumed.

From 0-50 units, Rs 1.45 is being charged per unit and from 51-100, Rs 2.6 per unit. From 101-200, Rs 4.3 per unit, from 201-300 Rs 7.2 per unit, from 301-400 Rs 8.5, from 401-800 Rs 9 and above 800 units, Rs 9.5 per unit is charged.

The above rates will be charged for a few months after that a hike in power charges is expected for both domestic and industrial users. The government has plans to hike the charges soon. The discoms are yet to submit the annual revenue requirement (ARR) to the Telangana State Electricity Regulatory Commission (TSERC). A minimum of Rs 1 per unit is expected to be hiked for industrial users.

The plan of enhancing the power charges did not go ahead in the view of the municipal elections.

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