Most of Gram Panchayats score average in Mission Antyodaya survey

Most of Gram Panchayats score average in Mission Antyodaya survey

Most of the Gram Panchayats of the State have secured average marks and ranks in the Mission Antyodaya survey being conducted by the Rural Development department of Government of India.

Hyderabad: Most of the Gram Panchayats of the State have secured average marks and ranks in the Mission Antyodaya survey being conducted by the Rural Development department of Government of India.

The survey was recently conducted, and the reports have been submitted to the Centre. Based on the feedback received from the GPs and marks being given by the surveyors, the Union Rural

Development department has awarded ranks to the villages.

Mission Antyodaya has been envisaged to address the issues of backward areas of the country. It is an accountability and convergence framework for transforming lives and livelihoods on measurable outcomes.

The Centre introduced the programme to improve the livelihood of the people living in villages with convergence of activities of more than 27 departments of the government. The survey was conducted last year and feedback was taken on 27 subjects with 140 questions. The GP secretaries and other Rurl Development department staff conducted the survey.

Maximum marks were given to various subjects and achievement has been measured with marks as per the feedback. Agriculture is given maximum of 7 marks, land improvement 8 marks, animal husbandry 6 marks, fisheries 2 marks, rural housing 4 marks, drinking water 3 marks, roads 8 marks, financial and communication 9 marks, health 11 marks and rest of the subjects given one to three maximum marks.

As per the achievements, each village is given marks and they got 20 to 92 marks. A village of Tamil Nadu received highest marks of 92 and it was given the first rank. As far as the State is concerned three villages have been given 81 to 84 marks and they have been given ranks between 6 and 9.

Durgapalle village of Siddipet district got seven out of seven in agriculture, 9 out of nine for land improvement, 4 out of 4 for housing, 8 out of 8 for roads, and 7.5 out of 11 rank for health. About 23 villages have got score between 79 and 80 and they have been given ranks from 13 to 19. As many as 306 villages got marks between 70 and 80 and they are given 20 to 29 ranks.

About 1500 villages got 50 and 51 marks and they have been given ranks from 39 to 30. About 4,400 villages have got 40 to 46 marks and they have been given 49 to 40 ranks. More than 5,000 villages have got marks between 40 and 30 and they have been given rank 59. About 1300 villages have got 20 marks and they have been given ranks between 60 and 69. About 140 villages got less than 20 marks and they have been given ranks more than 70.

According to officials the Centre would examine the living conditions of the people of the villages based on the feedback being received from the MA survey and would give funds to improve the low performing ones.

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