Nature cares for living organisms: District judge Sudha

Nature cares for living organisms: District judge Sudha

District Judge Sudha said the plants should be planted so that nature can survive and the organisms survive.

Nizamabad: District Judge Sudha said the plants should be planted so that nature can survive and the organisms survive.

She urged people to volunteer to plant trees to combat manmade global warming. District Judge Sudha inaugurated the seed balls dispersal program in the forest areas adjoining the Sarangpur Jail in the Nizamabad city suburb.

District Judge Sudha praised Sirivennela Green Society and District Legal Advisory Authority for making two lakh seed balls jointly. Sudha said the world temperatures rose faster as the trees are being cut. District Legal Service Authority Senior Civil Judge Kiranmai said that plants have a correlation between living organisms and that it is the responsibility of humans to ensure that it does not break down.

Kiranmai congratulated the Education Department, Forest Departments and Sirivennala Janardhan who supported the seed balls dispersal programme. She urged everyone to try to protect nature.

She recalled that the inmates of Sarangpur prison also worked hard to make seedballs. Kiranmayi said that government school children also spend their time making seed balls. District prison Superintendent Narasimha Reddy, Bar Association Secretary Paruchuri Sridhar, Asha Narayana U Rajkumar Janardhan and others participated.

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