‘Shadi Mubarak’, ‘Kalyana Lakshmi’ cheques will be issued to eligible beneficiaries, AAG informs HC

Telangana High Court

Telangana High Court


Hyderabad: Additional Advocate-General Imran Khan informed on Wednesday Justice S. Nanda of the Telangana High Court that the cheques of eligible...

Hyderabad: Additional Advocate-General Imran Khan informed on Wednesday Justice S. Nanda of the Telangana High Court that the cheques of eligible beneficiaries of “ Kalyana Lakshmi’’ and “ Shadi Mubarak” will be disbursed.

He said 71 cheques of the beneficiaries have already been sent to the respective banks. The validity of cheques issued to them is August 2024 not 27th of this month, as contended by counsel for the petitioner Padi Kaushik Reddy, Huzurabad MLA. ‘Not a single cheque will get lapsed; the State will ensure that all eligible beneficiaries will get the financial benefit as stated in two GOs.

Khan informed the judge that eligible beneficiaries, who will be at loss due to non-disbursal of cheques due to non-issuance of cheques are not before the court. This issue of non- issuance of cheques to eligible beneficiaries has been raked up just to gain political mileage.

‘There is no truth in the MLA’s contention that the Revenue officials are not making arrangements for disbursal of cheques; the cheques will expire on June 27 is false, the AAG said. He sought two weeks’ time to file a detailed counter furnishing all details pertaining to disbursal of cheques to the beneficiaries.

The judge was adjudicating the MLA’s petition contending that the Revenue officials under instructions of Ponnam Prabhakar, Minister for Transport, have denied him, his right as MLA from disbursing the cheques.

Hearing in the case was adjourned to July 15 for filing of a counter-affidavit.

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