Telangana: All institutions from KG to PG reopen from September 1

Chief Minister KCR at a high-level review meeting on the reopening of educational institutions, at Pragathi Bhavan on Monday

Chief Minister KCR at a high-level review meeting on the reopening of educational institutions, at Pragathi Bhavan on Monday


CM asks students to follow Covid safety norms on campuses

Hyderabad: The State Government on Monday decided to reopen all educational institutions from KG to PG (Kindergarten to Post-Graduation), including Anganwadi centres from September 1.

Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao took the decision to start physical classes stating that there has been a demand to permit resumption of classes from the private educational institutions which suffered financial loss due to the closure since the first wave of the corona pandemic in 2020.

It was decided that all schools, colleges and universities have to strictly adopt Covid safety measures when they reopen. The departments of Panchayat Raj and Municipal Administration & Urban Development would be entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining hygienic conditions in the premises of all institutions.

The CM instructed the authorities concerned to complete sanitisation of all institutions by August 30 and ensure strict implementation of Covid safety norms at residential campuses run by the government and also private institutions.

Officials of the Medical and Health department informed the CM that the spread of deadly Covid virus was in control as the number of positive cases have come down drastically and normal life was restored in the entire State as people are moving freely without any health-related complaints. The officials of the Education department explained to the CM that children have been suffering from psychological issues due to long stay at home and it would adversely affect their future.

The Chief Minister appealed to the students to wear masks and use sanitizers during their stay in the institutions and the parents also requested to ensure the safety of their children without giving any scope for spreading of the virus.

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