TS SI spirant candidates can download hall tickets here

Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board

Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board


The Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) on Friday informed that the hall tickets for the Preliminary Written Test (PWT) for direct recruitment of 554 vacancies of SCT SI Civil and or equivalent posts can be downloaded from 8 am on July 30 onwards till midnight on August 5.

Hyderabad: The Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) on Friday informed that the hall tickets for the Preliminary Written Test (PWT) for direct recruitment of 554 vacancies of SCT SI Civil and or equivalent posts can be downloaded from 8 am on July 30 onwards till midnight on August 5.

Candidates must log into their respective accounts on the TSLPRB website – www.tslprb.in by entering their credentials. Candidates whose hall tickets could not be downloaded may send e-mail to [email protected] or contact us on 93937 11110 or 93910 05006.

The written test will be held on August 7 from 10 am to 1 pm in 503 centres in and around Hyderabad and 35 other towns throughout the State, according to Board Chairman VV Srinivasa Rao.

After downloading the hall tickets, candidates should take a printout, preferably on A4 size paper on both the sides so that the hall ticket as well as important instructions are available on a single sheet of paper.

Though it is not mandatory to take the printout in colour, printout taken in colour nevertheless provides better visibility when compared to monochrome (black and white) printout.

Once the printout is taken, candidates have to affix (with gum / adhesive – do not use staples / pins) their passport photograph (whose digital copy was earlier uploaded along with their application form) at the designated place provided in the left-bottom area of the first page of the hall ticket, without fail.

The hall ticket without the passport photograph affixed as described above will not be accepted on the day of written test and admission to examination shall be denied to such candidates who arrives at the centers without proper hall tickets.

Candidates must go through all the instructions given on the reverse (other side) of the hall

ticket carefully, in their own interest and comply with them scrupulously.

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